Example sentences of "[conj] had [pron] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am sure that had nothing to do with her withdrawal but the way she did it raised more questions than it answered .
2 It was the temple for everyone who wanted to be involved in something that had nothing to do with what most people thought was ‘ happening ’ in that part of the seventies .
3 The shop now caters for the mainstream market , but it was built upon bringing in exclusive trainers from Germany in the early Eighties , trainers that had nothing to do with America , but a lot to do with the nomad Scousers , and Wade Smith often supplemented his stock by buying from Liverpool ‘ entrepreneurs ’ with time on their hands to travel to Deutschland and acquire , by various methods , the much sought after , exclusive Adidas Trim-Trab .
4 An invitation that had nothing to do with money , but owed more to sheep in a shelter on the other side of England .
5 Yet for all the expense , the effort , the bloodshed , Henry achieved only one obvious success , and that had nothing to do with Hertford 's armies .
6 Again silence ; an arctic frosting of the air that had nothing to do with the weather .
7 He also ran a couple of other businesses that had nothing to do with boats and were probably much more profitable .
8 And to my recollection , no one for whom Prost has ever driven has had a bad word to say about him , save at the very end of Prost 's career with Renault , when other factors that had nothing to do with driving intruded .
9 Wars that were to end abruptly and , ironically , for reasons that had nothing to do with internal musical divisions .
10 But in the immediate wake of the October 19 crash , IBM 's most serious rival , Comdisco , disclosed that it had lost $100m in a business that had nothing to do with its main occupation of leasing and trading IBM equipment .
11 He was bewitched , she could see that ; changed into something else , as Fand and the other Women had been — something that had nothing to do with his real self .
12 All three teachers were adamant that despite the lack of time for consultation , the lack of space and resources and other problems that had nothing to do with the curricular rationale behind the project , it had been a great success .
13 And Kate kissed him back , caught up in feelings that had nothing to do with background or career or anything except pure sensation .
14 Now , most people think that you were a fish wife because you were married to a fisherman that had nothing to do with it !
15 And it had made him feel big in a way that had nothing to do with macho trappings .
16 Edward had come to realise that he found some bodies more appealing than others , and that the contemplation of them aroused feelings that had nothing to do with artistic appreciation .
17 She was taken by surprise by the friendly smile he turned on her , and for a moment she dreamed they were going on a holiday together that had nothing to do with Dana and Garry and everything to do with each other .
18 There was a sadness in the room , a feeling of oppression , that had nothing to do with the years of dirt and disarray .
19 She directed her eyes to his , secretly willing him to see the truth that had nothing to do with her partner or Maria Luisa — the truth that she had loved him then and still did .
20 ‘ Charity begins at home , ’ Ruth suggested wryly at the same time uncharitably thinking that Maria Luisa must have put Fernando under such a terrible strain over something that had nothing to do with him .
21 His body was washed in silver by the moonlight and when he removed his shirt she felt a tiny shiver of something that had nothing to do with the pervasive cold of the night air on her chilled skin .
22 He was perceptive enough to know that she was suffering from some sort of emotional wound that had nothing to do with him .
23 This view is essentially anthropomorphic ; we are mammals after all and it is perhaps comforting to think that our own distant relatives so directly proved their supremacy over slow-witted reptiles that had nothing to fight with but their bulk .
24 Vicky and I , although occasionally playing roles that had something to do with the ( slight ) story , were more often in a group ( Country Maidens , Serving Wenches , even Coiffed Nuns … ) .
25 It was really high pressure sort of stuff followed by this terrible waiting period , because no sooner did the record come out , and the space shot take off , the BBC banned every record that had anything to do with the moon .
26 Whoever it was that was menacing her with letters ( a letter , she corrected herself , but feeling certain there would be more ) , whoever it was that had anything to do with her mother 's death , that person , or those persons , would belong to her father 's age group .
27 Even if Dr Kingdom did feel more for Heather than a doctor should for his patient , it does n't mean that had anything to do with her disappearance . ’
28 The FISA president said the sanction against Mansell was for this breach of security rules and had nothing to do with his failure to stop after a black flag was waved at him three times .
29 When the appellant received notice of the order , he applied for the order to be set aside on the grounds that he had no notice of the proceedings and had nothing to do with it .
30 Surely it was kindness of heart and had nothing to do with complexes .
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