Example sentences of "[conj] his [noun] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While the original version of Engelbart 's famous paper showed this structure , subsequent reprintings of the paper have removed that feature — this despite the claims by Engelbart that his group found such presentation extremely helpful .
2 ‘ Yes , ’ he said simply , and his voice held such conviction that Hilary believed him .
3 The deposed Kuwaiti government established its base in the Saudi mountain resort of Taif , although the Amir and his ministers spent much of their time travelling the world to bolster opposition to the invasion .
4 In 1976 Jeffrey Iverson published a book about Bloxham and his work called More Lives Than One ?
5 However , Richard Williams and his team achieved notable success in survey support services to major pipeline construction work in the Gulf .
6 There , too , under China 's post-1997 regime , Peking would be free to declare Martial Law ; and there , too , a garrison of the People 's Liberation Army would stand ready to suppress opposition or criticism by whatever means Deng and his successors deemed appropriate .
7 He and his colleagues employed such stressors as heavy-metal music , nocturnal arousal , or parking in London traffic to challenge the small bowel .
8 Mr Paull and his colleagues regarded this as very strange indeed .
9 As a member of one of the two departments into which the direction politique of the foreign ministry was then divided , he found that he and his colleagues spent much of their time playing draughts and that there was considerable rivalry between the two as to which could make the better " five o'clock tea " .
10 Already , Cohen has isolated more than a thousand contigs , each containing an average of 15 yeast artificial chromosomes average of 15 yeast artificial chromosomes ( YACs ) and covering more than 70 per cent of the genome , while the number of markers on the map that Weissenbach and his colleagues reported last year has since been more than doubled and is set shortly to double again .
11 The STV system , it is argued , could threaten the essential link between an elector and his MP given that it would necessitate in rural areas constituencies of massive size .
12 We drifted for an hour while Bob and his men replaced some leading injector pipes until the sudden welcome roar of our trusty Paxmans sent us southward again , across St. Magnus Bay and outside Papa Stour , finally leaving the straggling tentacles of land and long voes of West Shetland to reach Scalloway as darkness fell .
13 Glover and his partners manufactured sulphuric acid , alkali by the Leblanc process , and bleaching powder , but competition from the Solvay process , introduced by Brunner , Mond at Gateshead in 1873 , led to the decline of the Leblanc process on Tyneside and the Carville works closed in 1882 .
14 In the Tutbury custom the bull had his horns , ears and tail cut off , his body smeared with soap and his nose blown full of pepper .
15 and his report dated these remains to the fourth quarter of the second century .
16 The Lord Owen was taken at a disadvantage , surprised in the open , hunted like a hart , and his horse fallen lame .
17 To us Bede is above all famous for his Ecclesiastical History of the English People ( 731 ) , but his contemporaries attached more importance , judging by manuscript circulation , to his scriptural commentaries .
18 There was a moment , as she felt the release from the flimsy protection of her undergarments , when it seemed as if something yet might stop him in the tidal wave of passion , but his intention overwhelmed any such hesitation , and with a moan of desire she put herself entirely into his hands .
19 He wanted to take holy orders , but his father prohibited such a step .
20 The Sultan is visiting with the senior of his two wives , the Raja Isteri , in an official capacity — for the first time since his country achieved full independence from Britain in 1984 .
21 He denounced the Republicans in the New York state legislature for bringing the state to the " brink of disaster " by blocking agreement on a plan to close an estimated $875 million gap in the current state budget and deal with a $3,600 million deficit for the coming year , but acknowledged that he could not contemplate campaigning in New Hampshire whilst his state faced such a crisis .
22 He cursed loudly as his rubber clad right foot struck off a slimy rock and plunged knee-deep into the mud and water .
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