Example sentences of "[conj] his [noun pl] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He traversed the deserts of Persia and Baluchistan by camel , crossed central Africa at its widest point ( Across Wildest Africa , 1907 ) , and explored the Matto Grosso of Brazil ( Across Unknown South America , 1913 ) where his men mutinied and made two attempts on his life .
2 He enjoyed brushing it , even when she made him stand so long behind her chair that his arms ached and his eyelids started to droop .
3 The delicate poetry of the atmosphere William seeks to establish is disrupted not only by that noisily symbolic iguana but by such clumping speeches as Shannon 's explanation that his problems began when his mother punished him for masturbating .
4 Gerald Vaughan , the health minister , simply reiterated in October 1981 that there is no clear evidence to link unemployment and ill health , and summarised the results of a DHSS study as showing that unemployment has different effects on different families ( to the chagrin of the researcher involved , who argued that his findings showed that the unemployed were more likely to suffer from physical , and psychological , ill health , unless they worked in hazardous occupations .
5 Sutcliffe , for example , ( 1982a : 148 ) indicates that his informants reported that they used " Jamaican Creole " with black interlocutors in the playground .
6 He was conscious that his words creaked and grated like machinery in the wrong hands , and that his smiling glance upwards at the bunch of mistletoe was more of a leer , a leer that stayed , unnaturally fixed by confusion and rage , as he observed Clare 's hesitation .
7 Taylor and his managers decided that it had to be ‘ double or quits ’ if the business was to be a success .
8 He had remained well until June 1992 , when he developed generalised lymphadenopathy and his doctors recommended that he should start zidovudine .
9 When subjects are woken from REM sleep and questioned about their dreams Edwin Kahn and his associates found that the incidence of reporting colours increased to 70 per cent .
10 Harvard 's experiments on bird tumours , for example , showed that viral insertion increased the expression of the myc gene — and Croce and his collaborators reported that they found increased expression of myc in Burkin 's lymphomas ( Science , vol 21 8 , p 983 ) .
11 Fokine broke down the artificial practice created by earlier choreographers and his dancers acted as they danced .
12 It would be a long time before anyone inherited — and his sons knew that sooner or later Henry would take something from them to give to the youngest of them all , John .
13 His brothers had not replied , and his parents wrote that they hoped he was not hurrying into marriage , but that he was old enough to decide for himself .
14 At about this point Philip and his advisers decided that the best way to preserve the crown for Frederick — in view of the failure of the regency council to control the princes — was for Philip to take it himself until his nephew came of age .
15 I begged the King so often for my freedom that at last he and his lords agreed that I need not be a prisoner any longer .
16 I lose the damn thing and crash blindly against him , but he skips backwards , and as the mist clears I see his eyes blazing and his teeth bared and the gun is comfortable in his hand and pointing at my chest .
17 He was close to sleep and his words slurred when he spoke .
18 Seurat and his colleagues argued that Pointillism was a scientifically modern style , while the Symbolists asserted that spiritual values were preferable to artistic programmes of perception .
19 As it happened , Lazarsfeld and his colleagues recognised that it was , and still is , difficult to develop indicators for many concepts used in social science .
20 Finally , Sorge and his colleagues observed that the relationship between this new technology and work organisation was influenced by the prevailing socio-economic conditions .
21 Dunham and his colleagues concluded that there was no measurable change in solar radius between 1976 and 1979 , but that between 1715 and the 1970s the Sun had shrunk by 0.34 seconds of arc , with an uncertainty of plus or minus 0.02 seconds of arc .
22 On the basis of the answers they received to these questions Goldthorpe and his colleagues concluded that monotony is a definite source of job dissatisfaction .
23 Having noted that the suicide rate is markedly higher in Denmark than in England , Atkinson and his colleagues hypothesized that this might be the result of different procedures for certifying deaths as suicides .
24 Trist and his colleagues suggested that close managerial supervision was unsuitable to mining work , which was carried out in dangerous conditions .
25 Huggins and his colleagues showed that , either removal of the testes or treatment with hormones benefited the majority of patients with carcinoma of the prostate .
26 A study done by Edwin Colbert and his colleagues showed that a tiny 50 gramme ( 1.76 oz ) alligator heated up 1 °C every minute and a half from the Sun , while a large alligator some 260 times bigger took seven and a half minutes .
27 J. J. Simpson and his colleagues showed that the axons of the on-type directionally selective ganglion cells pass to the brain in a special pathway called the Accessory Optic Tract , and end in a nucleus that has three divisions .
28 Fisher and his colleagues showed that Darwinian selection made sense , and Jenkin 's problem was elegantly solved , if what changed in evolution was the relative frequency of discrete hereditary particles , or genes , each of which was either there or not there in any particular individual body .
29 In a classic experiment reported in 1964 , John Wing and his colleagues showed that long-stay schizophrenic patients given advance preparation for placements in an industrial rehabilitation unit were less likely to suffer a relapse than those who were unprepared .
30 Rosenfeld and his colleagues reported that the corticotropin releasing hormone promoter is transcriptionally up-regulated by brain-2 ( N-Oct 3 ) [ 32 ] .
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