Example sentences of "[conj] they are [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Zoologists can with greater justice call humans fish , since fish are far closer kin to humans than they are to lobsters .
2 The feelings are no less intense for inspectors and headteachers than they are for students and teachers in their first appointment .
3 So one reason why many women are less easily aroused in the morning may well be because social factors are more important for them than they are for men .
4 Sex differences are also less in actuality than they are in teachers ' perceptions , as self-report schedules demonstrate , and clearly depend on who is defining what as ‘ deviant , ’ ‘ disruptive ’ or ‘ disaffected ’ — that is , what and whose rules of ‘ normality ’ are being infringed .
5 People are more homogeneous in terms of social class , and religion , in their viewing than they are in terms of age and sex .
6 The heating is a bonus , resulting from the release of latent heat as the moisture vapour condenses to liquid water within the machine , but dehumidifiers are not really heating devices — they are more effective in warm homes with high humidity levels than they are in buildings where low temperatures are the main problem .
7 THE ITV companies have publicly denied that they are at loggerheads after missing the deadline to agree on a new system for commissioning programmes for the ITV network from next year .
8 That includes chatting to the band throughout the day , to make sure that they are at interviews , TV sessions and record signing sessions .
9 The link between these operas is that they are about men who had changed the world through the power of ideas .
10 Some companies feel that involving a factor results in their losing contact with their customers while others fear that their customers will take the appointment of a factor as a sign that they are in difficulties .
11 The large share of " other " personal service and " other " operatives working on a temporary basis is explained by the fact that they are in jobs for which little training is necessary .
12 Of course , such decisions are medical matters in that they arise in the context of the professional relationship of doctor and patient , and they are for doctors to make in that the doctor is the professional ‘ on the spot ’ caring for the patient .
13 The major differences between the two positions — and they are at times crudely drawn — focus on :
14 I think mostly erm , I think that the audits have gone erm , very well actually erm , people are following the procedures and they are at times , they are a little bit slipping up erm , enquiries seem to be an area and filling in the enquiry form properly and making sure that it is copied to the divisional enquiry file erm , a few people fell down on that erm , but in most cases the procedures were followed virtually to a letter .
15 But once let them lose confidence , and they are like children in the dark , reaching out for the grasp of a strong hand .
16 Mr MacConachie insists : ‘ I only do these things if they are after hours .
17 Alterations to the environment required for safety and access to buildings and classroom by pupils with physical handicaps , especially if they are in wheelchairs , may be more easily foreseen , and their need for ramps or lifts instead of stairs , adaptations to toilet facilities may be readily recognised as essential .
18 One point worth remembering about the management of plants in containers ; they need watering , and in summer usually very frequently — daily if they are in pots and the weather is hot — so it pays to have as large a container as possible .
19 But then , if they are in regions where antimatter dominates over matter , the repulsion would in fact be an attraction , and the white hole would be indistinguishable from what is , in our Universe of matter , a black hole .
20 The bulk of them , incidentally , are not in the University , some are , but they are in places that students can get to after their work , or easily from their families and their towns and villages throughout the , the county .
21 Sadness comes from the incessant playing of the primeval recordings of the mind ; and these recordings are not noise alone but they are like films of horror .
22 Our own bulk chemical businesses vary between some which are very good , because most of the competition has abandoned the field , and some which are very bad , because they are in areas which are attracting new entrants the whole time , and moreover , new entrants who are seeking to compete in either a slow-growing or non-growing market .
23 Answer guide : ‘ these allow the partners to adjust their returns to reflect uneven inputs as between the partners whether they are in terms of money invested , skills , labour or whatever .
24 They are not well off , but they are not on the breadline and it is to our credit that we have a structure that supports people when they are between jobs .
25 A Scotland Yard spokesman said : ‘ If people are going out to drink , they want to do it when they are with friends .
26 Along the coast the most obvious signs of positive movement are to be found in drowned river valleys , usually called rias when they are in areas of rugged relief and estuaries when they occur in subdued lowlands .
27 Players will tend to perform better when they are among friends than when they are placed in unfamiliar surroundings .
28 Some community services are making serious efforts to provide more resources to the unemployed , hampered though they are by limits on local government expenditure .
29 But trade flows are at least as sensitive to the level of non-tariff barriers as they are to tariffs themselves .
30 There could be a good Dream in artificial intelligence the POV of an omniscient machine intellect , and its struggles with humans who are to it as they are to ants .
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