Example sentences of "[conj] they see [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 Although they see it as a step in the right direction , people working in the area fear that it may take another generation before Karamoja cools down .
2 The most likely explanation is that they saw it as a way to keep the Catholic-educated Mary out of Scotland , while maintaining their formal loyalty to her , thereby maximizing their opportunity to advance the Protestant cause while minimizing the need to clash directly with their sovereign ; there was , after all , no sign that Mary was particularly interested in the internal affairs of her kingdom , and although it was a gamble , and a risky one , leaving her to continue to enjoy life in France appeared to be the best chance they had .
3 They made it clear that they saw it as the core of a European army .
4 They saw that how that , they saw the Chinese problem essentially as one of exploitation and that how that as soon as , that they saw it as the land problem
5 Clearly they all function with the agreement of their management committees and funders , and within NACAB membership conditions , In fact NACAB has democratically voted its support for a broadening of roles , by reiterating in the new membership regulations the responsibility of the management committee for ensuring that bureau workers are trained in social policy work , and that they see it as a natural complement to bureau work when dealing with individual clients .
6 You build a bond up with them , so that they see you as a friend with whom they have this special relationship .
7 I was the first British person most of them had met and they see me as a bridge to the outside world , ’ she said .
8 When children nowadays are becoming more responsible to our society , and they see us as one world we have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our world , and that includes the animals in it .
9 The world and its leaders reacted very differently to the news of Ceauşescu 's fall : Westerners , even those who had flattered him , rejoiced , but the rulers of Third World or Communist states mourned him — not only for his own violent end , but also because they saw it as a premonition of their own impending fates .
10 Coloureds and Indians have tended to support the National Party — one estimate is that 60% of them gave it their backing in mid-1992 — because they saw it as a bulwark against black domination .
11 this is a good word because it well it 's not because of the associations but it stresses the femininity and that 's what a lot of the sixties feminists lost , I think was their own femininity because they saw it as man 's imposition
12 Such people have been disappointed , to say the least , that the Government postponed the community care programme by two years because they saw it as an opportunity for the balance of resources between residential care and community care to be readdressed .
13 Whilst agreeing in part but disagreeing substantially with the assumptions of Ludmer , I felt — and still feel — that the attraction of sport for black kids is a little more complex and that any full understanding can not assume that sport constitutes an area freed of racialism , or that black youths are attracted to it simply because they see it as such .
14 That 's because they see it as a threat to their political authority as the only representative of the people .
15 Right , er another situation where there 's men and women differences is in multilingual communities , er you find that men and women 's attitudes to varieties or language varieties or languages can carry so some men will try and avoid using one of their languages because they see it as a low prestige variety whereas some women will use it because for them it 's a high prestige variety .
16 They have exempted it from public expenditure cuts because they see it as an investment for the future .
17 Of course , Marx and Engels focused most on this late stage , since they saw it as the cause of the rise of capitalism .
18 Communities in the coalfields will continue to fight opencast development against enormous odds as they see it as an environmentally destructive process which threatens their lives , homes and environment culture .
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