Example sentences of "[conj] they be still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would seem that on the northwest side , where they are still sought , the marshy area of ground formed a natural limit to their position .
2 Where they are still organized separately from social services , education welfare officers can sum up an area 's state of mind as well as help — or question — individual families , at least up to the time when centralized social work services are cut back .
3 Women working in the media in Poland are preparing to assert their right to full participation in their profession , as well as in their churches , where they are still excluded from the decision-making processes .
4 It was in this role that he removed the relics of the Three Wise Men from Milan , and placed them in Cologne Cathedral , where they are still found to this day .
5 Their recruitment policy has worked very well for them and they are by far the largest outside America , although they are still having great difficulty establishing themselves in the USA .
6 The modem newspaper horoscope has largely taken over from dream-books , although they are still published , and still draw largely on the works of Artemidorus ( or claim to ) .
7 In the second phase they tend to be more regional , although they are still dispersed over considerable distances , up to 200 km apart .
8 Although they were still deprived by injury of their regular central defenders Ratcliffe and Watson , they managed to defend efficiently by using Snodin as a spare centre-back behind Keown and McDonald .
9 The change in their knowledge and expectations was accompanied by a change in what they saw , although they were still viewing the same physical objects .
10 So-called food gifts arriving in Saratov were forced out of Ukrainian peasants by the food-collecting army ( Prodovol'stvennaia armiia ) , although they were still paying agricultural taxes which had been waived in the Volga provinces .
11 A few miles further on they left the motorway , although they were still following a main road .
12 This is because they pay a premium rate to be ‘ first in break ’ , on the basis that more people are still watching ( prior to making the tea , or whatever ) , and that they 're still watching more attentively .
13 The Upside Down Catfish tend to nip one another as they swim round the tank — they 've only been in the tank for five days , so would the nipping be due to the fact that they 're still settling in ?
14 Nick Thenotsy is chairman of Oxfordshire 's NUPE , Nick do you think this is good or bad news that they 're still talking ?
15 The Sports Council recognises the quality of our training courses but however insists that they are still taking too long .
16 A note of the fact that they have started out equally separated from each other , are now marching in parallel straight lines , and we need to check later that they are still separated by equal distances and still going in the same direction .
17 Everyone planning to start a baby should check with their doctor that they are still protected against German Measles .
18 As we have seen earlier , this is a Freudian term implying that they are still committed to the ‘ pleasure principle ’ .
19 The oil-shipping system is basically safe — so safe that men forget that they are still required to run it properly .
20 Practitioners who initially took a stance against involvement in purchasing because of their concerns over fundholding leading to a two tier system need to be persuaded that they are still needed in influencing purchasing decisions overall .
21 ‘ It 's sad that having made the assurances in court and accepted that it was n't an acceptable way of doing business , that it turns out that they are still carrying on . ’
22 They plan to introduce a system of on-going evaluation of their broadcasts by interviewing listeners to ensure that they are still giving their public what they want .
23 It was a farce , a terrible play , but still a real play because these two were acting out a charade of fright and face-saving and if he did anything to break the illusion that they were still taking decisions for themselves then he was going to get himself shot .
24 My parents wrote to say that they were still getting some quite nasty tip-and-run raids .
25 Arriving back at the large beach house , she took the two sleepy children upstairs to their large bedroom , firmly overriding their protests that no , they really did n't want a bath by pointing out to them that they were still covered with sand and sea water .
26 And management at the Trawsfynydd power station made it clear yesterday that they were still looking for up to 50 voluntary redundancies at the station this year .
27 It was a measure of McLaren 's problems that they were still working long after that .
28 In 1935 a Mr Cole of Middlesbrough complained to the Sea Fish Commission that they were still having to sell at the pre-war prices of a halfpenny fish and a ha'porth of chips .
29 We know from the observations of Herodotus nearly a century later that they were still treating the animal with the utmost respect .
30 Erm , the second sort is a gap which is a brief silence , usually sort of one second or less , between the end of one turn , and the next speaker actually starting to speak , so they 're still thinking about what they 're going to say .
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