Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb mod] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , because of the immense potential for the integrated ( ie raster/ASCII/vector ) systems that were under development , the point was made that the strategy could be to plan their eventual use for those functions where they could be of value .
2 Or they may be of a different kind .
3 These relations may be of the paradigmatic variety ( e.g. oppositeness , synonymy , etc. ) or they may be of the so-called paronymic sort ( that is to say , involving identity of root , but difference of syntactic category , as , for instance , with act : actor , race : racy .
4 Few of these products have been clinically tested although they may be of assistance to some people .
5 Will he therefore do his best to defuse the present unhappy situation and assure the people of that great continent that , although they may be on the other side of the world , they are close to the hearts of the people of the United Kingdom ?
6 Although they might be in major shops soon , they 're presently only available from
7 Orrell have an attractive home game with Leicester although they will be without several star players .
8 They can be more selfless , more public spirited , more erm idealistic than they would be on their own , because the super ego can presumably erm influence the ego in both directions , it can make the ego erm transcend itself as it were to higher ideals and like someone sometimes sees this in , in group behaviour , but equally of course it can erm debase the ego by setting lower standards than the ego would normally accepted itself .
9 Overheads ( rent , rates etc ) are usually lower than they would be in a town centre , where sites are expensive
10 Goods are bought in bulk ; and prices are often lower than they would be in a department store or High Street shop .
11 And now that they 've retired on half pension , they 're a damn sight better off than they would be in Sydney or Auckland , let alone London . ’
12 ‘ Inevitably , the care staff helping them are supervised to a much lesser degree than they would be in a residential establishment . ’
13 It will tend to mean retailers will keep prices lower than they would be in the absence of rivals .
14 They also mean that lending rates , due to the higher cost must be higher and deposit rates must be lower than they would be in the Euromarkets .
15 These courses attract both couples and single people , and a holiday atmosphere prevails , as the lectures are less intensive than they must be in the shorter courses .
16 Following the visit of our hon. Friend the Member for Enfield , North ( Mr. Eggar ) to Basildon last Friday , will my right hon. and learned Friend endorse our hon. Friend 's statement that the independence that we are offering colleges of further education and sixth-form colleges such as Basildon 's will enable them to be more effective , efficient and flexible than they can be at present ?
17 Yes , so that until they drop out of the system erm , erm , a year from when that stage one decision was making , the teams over the sub teams overall stage one times are likely to be erm considerably higher than they will be in the month immediately after that er multiple has dropped out .
18 These facts make them more reliant than they should be on the good opinion of their partners .
19 And although subsequent reviews found it thoroughly sane and quite uncontroversial , clerics of the Church of England publicly announced that they would be on standby alert to deal with any members of their congregation upset by the programmes .
20 Following the judgement , it was clear to anyone concerned to suppress publication of the Diaries , or any part of them , that they would be on an impossibly bad wicket .
21 Clement 's purpose was to make cultured persons under instruction for baptism , called ‘ catechumens ’ ( by contrast with ‘ the faithful ’ who are the baptized ) , feel that they would be at home in the church .
22 Thus , for example , the disabled wife ( or cohabitee ) can only draw the Non-contributory Invalidity Pension if she is unable to perform normal ( as defined by the DHSS ) household duties , regardless of whether housework is her normal profession , regardless of the fact that men and single women only have to prove inability to do paid work to qualify for the pension ; and conversely , the Invalid Care Allowance , for people who lose their incomes because they must stay at home and care for a sick relative , is not payable to wives ( or cohabitees ) because it is assumed that they would be at home in any case !
23 Pension schemes are vital to many of our constituents , and I should have thought that they would be of equal importance to Conservative Members in Scotland , who may soon have to look to their own pension schemes although the Minister has reassured me that he may have other arrangements .
24 As early as June 1992 the Wickert Research Institute , from a poll of 4,219 voters , showed that 74 per cent felt that Germany could no longer afford European Union ; 81 per cent wanted a referendum on monetary union ; 82 per cent of these said that they would be against replacing the Deutschmark with the ECU .
25 The chapter on Explaining made trouble for Positivist ideas of explanation but did not suggest that they might be beside the point .
26 Clearly , outright control does indeed take place , but on a day-to-day level social stability is secured largely through people feeling that they might be under scrutiny .
27 And he put his sons to read , that they might be of the better understanding , and he made them take arms , and be shown how to demean themselves in battle , and to be huntsmen .
28 Initiating pupils into theology is an essential part of RE , so that they may be on the wavelength of the major religions and be able — if they wish — to use their language and outlooks to make sense of their own personal experience .
29 Campaigners against a proposed waste disposal complex in Renfrew are hopeful tonight that they may be within sight of winning their battle .
30 Sexuality , he pontificated , was one of ‘ the areas of social life that are revealed only to medical men , in the hope that they may be in a position to suggest some mode of relief ’ .
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