Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] it is " in BNC.

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1 In implementing and interpreting policies , they challenge the imposition of legal obligations where they feel it is locally valid to do so .
2 The weather has been ideal — about 85 in the shade , and not much more , although they say it is unusually ‘ cold ’ for the time of year !
3 Many teachers would like to be more adventurous , creative and experimental than they feel it is possible or safe to be .
4 One or two of the hotel 's regular visitors and local residents who use the hotel frequently have told Winter privately that they think it is a mistake and that it is leading to friction and a lowering of standards .
5 One hang-up for the profit-motivated British garage is that they feel it is not worth taking on work for less than a tenner .
6 Riverside is looking for about 50 to 60 franchisees in the next year and they estimate it is possible to earn about £1,500 a week .
7 Durham County Council say they did not know the source of the waste , nor the company responsible for dumping it , and they admitted it is too late to find out .
8 When we stroll past the front of the van I peep up to check the reaction , and I guess that the two cops hunched inside see these two anxious faces glancing nervously , and they decide it is n't worth climbing out the van for , and I reckon that if I was them I too would lock the doors and stay inside .
9 No , no , thank you very much , it 's all right , he is n't badly hurt , a sprained ankle , and they say it is n't serious , but it does mean he ca n't come north yet … ’
10 should be told the evaluation personally and given a chance to appeal if they feel it is too high .
11 If they think it is good , it is produced and paid for in proportion to its success with the public .
12 I think it is open to the justices to make such an order , if they think it is appropriate , though it would be ill-advised in most cases .
13 It is not easy for them to get a meal , but if they do it is likely to be a big one .
14 Detective Chief Inspector George Brown thinks the two men being hunted in connection with the vicious murder may have fled the region until they think it is safe to return .
15 But they hold it is witchcraft which singled out this particular victim for attack and made him the target of the animal 's assault .
16 Unisys customers , attending a bi-annual meeting of the Unisys Users ' Association in Amsterdam this month , were in favour of the new direction , but they feel it is time the company put its head above the parapet : ‘ Unisys has very good products , but they never tell anyone about them , ’ said one insurance company systems manager .
17 Marry , so there have been diverse good plots devised and wise counsels cast already about reformation of that realm , but they say it is the fatal destiny of that land that no purposes whatsoever are meant for her good will prosper or take good effect , which whether it proceed from the very genius of the soil , or the influence of the stars , or that Almighty God hath not yet appointed the time of her reformation , or that He reserveth her in this unquiet state still , for some secret scourge which shall by her come unto England , it is hard to be known but yet much to be feared .
18 Amanda Lavelle , a urology ward sister at St Bartholomew 's Hospital , London , sees many patients with prostatic cancer : ‘ Men tend not to go to their GP when they first have urinary symptoms , because they think it is a normal part of aging .
19 Because they think it is better .
20 And they do n't like speed because they think it is not a pleasant stuff to sniff .
21 I understand the C E C asked us to withdraw this motion because they say it is not necessary .
22 Many black people find the term derogatory and racist because they feel it is a conscious and hypocritical way of denying the reality of a child 's blackness .
23 Parents have such a duty independently of this Act , and only because they have it is the Act justified .
24 A Undergravel filters still remain the most popular form of biological filtration for marine aquaria , and while they do it is important that the hobbyist gets it right from the outset .
25 And now the FA must decide whether they feel it is in everyone 's best interests if they throw Taylor overboard into Boston harbour , just like the Yanks did 200 years ago to another unwanted English export .
26 It 's probably only that old quack Hardacre feeding him the wrong antibiotics — Agnes shared George 's view of Sir Frank ‘ — but if each course takes five days before they decide it is n't working , it can run on .
27 The researchers have found that it is possible to control the movement of electrons by adjusting side gate voltage though they say it is an area that needs further research .
28 ‘ I have no rich things to give but I will take my black bread for they say it is the best in the whole world . ’
29 Children often match the colours of their equipment , but sometimes the smallest spade is the same colour as the largest bucket and further conversation can be encouraged as they discover it is not always easier to fill a small bucket with a large spade , than to fill a large bucket with a small spade .
30 Often they see their profession as a creative art form , which is fine as long as they recall it is also a service industry . ’
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