Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] at a " in BNC.

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1 A favourite place was Newbeggin-in-Teesdale where they stayed at a farm and where he learned to ride .
2 Furthermore , the wages of artisans , although they moved at a different rate , followed the same general pattern of increasing real values at approximately the same dates .
3 One reason for them being so common is that they reproduce at a high rate , and their high reproduction rate is one of the main topics of this chapter .
4 There had been stone dragons , and jade dragons so delicate that they disintegrated at a puff of breath .
5 International referee Derek Bevan , who handled the World Cup final , agreed with Kirkpatrick , citing another area where law changes have had negative consequences : ‘ When the ball is fielded following a high kick from the attacking side the chasing forwards can close in and circle the catcher provided that they remain at a distance of 10 metres .
6 Government ministers seem to think that they look at a pile of brochures .
7 The interesting points to note for both papers are that they emerged at a time when the SDP , a party of the middle-ground , was in the ascendant , and that neither moved to the ‘ left ’ , not even the social democratic ‘ left ’ , in the 1987 election .
8 Bona fide NVOCC 's , on the other hand , feel that they operate at a competitive disadvantage with regard to unscrupulous NVOCC 's which seem able to disregard the 1984 Shipping Act with impunity .
9 The talks were the most significant in a 15-month series of deputy foreign ministerial level discussions in that they occurred at a time when the two countries appeared to be on the verge of restoring full diplomatic relations .
10 Individuals in that generation of whom we know most seem to have grappled uncertainly with how to deal with their growing understanding of and revulsion from the slave trade ; sometimes it was almost to their own surprise that they arrived at a commitment sufficiently deep to devote a major portion of their time and energies to the cause .
11 The adrenalin was running high for Haslemere 's final league game of the season and they began at a relentless pace .
12 For example , some bonds might not pay coupons at all ( such bonds are called zero-coupon bonds , and they sell at a deep discount to their par values since all the reward from holding the bond comes in the form of capital gain rather than income ) ; some bonds make coupon payments that change over time , e.g. because they are linked to current market interest rates ( variable rate bonds or floating rate notes ) or to an index such as the retail price index ( index-linked bonds ) ; and some bonds make coupon payments only if the income generated by the firm that issued the bonds is sufficient , ( such bonds are known as income bonds ; unlike other bond-holders , an income bond-holder can not put the firm into liquidation if a coupon payment is not paid ) .
13 and they sold at a very low price and
14 Loretta refused with a laugh , and they continued at a more sedate pace .
15 They had cups of sweet milky tea and they sat at a table .
16 Inside the bar they descended again into the dining alcove , and they sat at a table by a small-paned window which was back on a level with the path outside .
17 The things they like about me are my gai-jin attitudes , and they laugh at a lot of my conclusions , I 'm sure — not to my face , but among themselves .
18 Folk dancing is not just a tourist attraction : it is popular amongst all Madeirans , whatever their social background and they start at a very early age to learn the dance steps .
19 if they 're saying there are no restrictions , cos they can not , they simply can not give there good clearance if there was something which is something of a restriction of competition , they must give exemption , they have no jurisdiction to do anything else , if they look at a clause and say
20 He told Farrel he had no objection if he wanted to take Rose to a discotheque , provided they returned at a reasonable hour .
21 They followed the stretcher until they arrived at a large tent which had a hastily painted sign slung across its front .
22 Then , being prevented from moving into other grazing areas by groups which had developed similar ideas of ownership , and realizing that there were limits to the carrying capacity of the land , they would sell off surplus cattle until they arrived at a perfect balance between the land and the stock residing upon it .
23 However , unless they move at a very early age , such people rarely sound " totally " American .
24 But they agreed at a meeting on Saturday that they would take whatever steps were necessary to protect their colliery .
25 It is disappointing that South Saxon charters for these years are frequently of doubtful authenticity , if not entirely spurious , but they hint at a sequence of events similar to those in Kent .
26 It was impossible to hurry but they moved at a steady pace , pausing seldom .
27 Several banks and insurance companies explored the possibility of creating locally-based groups of older people , linked through glossy magazines , but they withdrew at an early stage .
28 The decade ended with the railway hotels not merely privatised but in many cases under second and third owners , generally poorer in standard and distinctly without the nation having benefited ( since they ran at a profit anyway ) , with Travellers-Fare privatised and healthier ( both profitwise and in what they served ) , and with InterCity rethinking the role of the restaurant car and with many chefs still preparing meals on board .
29 Twilight had crept out of hiding and was stealthily wrapping the dying day in lavender shrouds , before they stopped at a small trattoria alongside one of the quieter canals .
30 The second in line to the throne was still known officially as ‘ Baby Wales ’ and it took the couple several days of discussion before they arrived at a name .
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