Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mantack then returned to Donna 's parents house , where they told him about the message .
2 Then they were both fearful for him and they took him into the cold scullery , where they hid him from the intruders .
3 It was said in Scorer v Seymour-Johns [ 1966 ] 3 All ER 347 per Salmon LJ that the special element can be characterised as the connection relying on the employee to the extent that they regard him as the business rather than his employer : in that case the employer 's business had many recurring customers ( cf Fellowes & Son v Fisher [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 829 ) .
4 And it surprises me that they took him into the Force , 'cos he 's made no secret of it an' you know yourself how they 're thought about . ’
5 getting compurgators to swear that they believed him to be oathworthy , although they knew nothing of the facts of the case .
6 He realized with a shock that they reminded him of steers he had once seen in a railroad siding back home in Richmond , Virginia , crowded uncomprehendingly in trucks bound for the slaughterhouse .
7 To the extent that they destroy him as a competitor , they destroy him , speaking generally and largely , as a customer .
8 The Russian official recently so upset his domestic association that they suspended him for two months , although UEFA insist : ‘ He 's still one of the best referees in Europe and the right man for the job . ’
9 The Russian official recently so upset his domestic association that they suspended him for two months , although UEFA insist : ‘ He 's still one of the best referees in Europe and the right man for the job . ’
10 Whitlock had spent most of the afternoon with them and he 'd come away with the distinct impression that they held him in little regard .
11 That they have him in the Tower of London . ’
12 They felt he was bored so they took him to training classes and Tricia said he 's an absolute natural .
13 His bulk , thin but long , was hard for them to get up their spiral stairs , so they left him on the sofa below , on the floor that lay over an ironmonger 's shop .
14 ‘ His parents were too poor to keep him so they lent him to a forester .
15 But the money gets nicked , so the one who 's married , she goes and robs erm a store and then , they , the policeman pulls them over and wants to take them in so they lock him in his boot .
16 ‘ Orpheus rejected women so they tore him to pieces and threw his head into the River Hebrus .
17 Thom picked up two oranges from the gutter but someone saw him and they took him to Derby Street police station and he got the sack from the police .
18 He asked to see the horse and they took him to the stable .
19 A paramedic crew from Mersey Regional Ambulance was waiting on the beach for Mr Ross and they took him to Southport and Formby District and General Hospital but he died shortly afterwards .
20 And he said I was completely confused and I could n't , he said I was trying to shout my wife and erm and , er , you know my mouth would n't work , he said , but she said fortunately she looked through the window and er found him and they took him to hospital .
21 Then they were both fearful for him and they took him into the cold scullery , where they hid him from the intruders .
22 " Are you at school then ? " he asked , and they told him about their two boarding-schools .
23 ‘ So we all go up in the lift , and the two bucks as good as carry the mother 's boy into the room ; he 's almost completely gone , and they sit him on the bed and they pour some of the champagne down him and then they come out .
24 He alienated those he feared were becoming too important to him , and they rejected him in the manner to which he had become accustomed .
25 Julia 's questions about the line the defence lawyers were taking were as acute as anything she had ever asked David , and they filled him with relieved delight .
26 He opened the door by his desk , and they followed him into a large room filled with dark , solid furniture .
27 come Saturday they 'd rearranged the whole ward and they put him on a W R V S air bed , he were in heaven on this bed , I said why the fuck could n't you have done that earlier ?
28 That they gathered together their Sanhedrin , their court and they brought him to it .
29 I visited the local Oxfordshire set ups , that 's Williams , Benneton and Leyton House in the last couple of weeks , and all of them say ‘ Eddy 's got a good car , a good chassis , a good engine and he 's got good finance ’ , and they expect him to be right up there with the big names from the start .
30 And they found him on the floor ?
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