Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] [verb] only " in BNC.

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1 These elements ( the equivalent of nerve cells ) may be tangible silicon chips or they may exist only in the cyberspace of a working computer program .
2 The statements could relate to past facts ( i. e. they could mean that those services were provided last season ) or they could relate only to the future ( i.e. that they will be provided next season ) .
3 Until the 1640s the colonies had taken it for granted that they would trade only with England , partly because Charles 's government gave orders that they should , partly because the hostile Spanish colonies offered them no real alternative .
4 Diomedes ' mares differed from mortal horses in that they would feed only on human flesh , a trait encouraged by their master who ordered them to eat any stranger who trespassed in his kingdom .
5 They set up a satellite link with Tokyo and announced that they would charge only 5 per cent buyer 's premium instead of the now customary 10 per cent .
6 They bowed their heads meekly in the face of Garvey 's insults , and accepted that they would receive only their board and keep .
7 South African government sources indicated , however , that they might concede only some form of joint administration of the Walvis Bay enclave , which included the only deep-water port on Namibia 's coast .
8 However , restrictions are placed on the power of management to combat a hostile takeover bid , for fear that they might act only in their own interests rather than for those of the company or its shareholders .
9 It turned out to be so big that he invited people specially to help eat it , and then it proved so salty that they could manage only a little of it .
10 The countryside was so blurred that they could form only the vaguest idea of how it must look when the sun was shining .
11 For most chairmen , however , Citrine 's view that they should move only slowly in this direction , doing little more than break even ( but conceding part of the case for higher depreciation ) , seemed quite consistent with the philosophy of nationalisation .
12 But the results are so late in arriving that they will have only a limited influence on national policies for coronary prevention .
13 The problem for Sun and Hewlett is that they will sell only in the tens of millions [ of chips ] ’ .
14 In the legislation the Government have not said that they will support only one form of buy-out and no other .
15 Similarly , dedicated compute servers can be configured so that they will run only certain types of jobs , or have a preference for certain types .
16 how many clients we 've got , you know for updating , what the capacities are and plus er we do n't know erm what sort of cable we 've got in so they might have only a ten P a cable when they already have nine pairs in use
17 This is why my own experiments have paid relatively little attention to the effects of such substances , and they will play only a small part in the unfolding story of the chapters that follow .
18 A period of just a few seconds was allowed for recall and if they could recall only one or two letters the subjects were asked to specify their position in the sequence .
19 If they could have only known what 's going on in my head .
20 But they would have only given you a book for
21 Fuel efficiency will be reduced by around one mile ( 1.6 kilometres ) per gallon , but they will produce only half the emissions currently permitted under California standards , the strictest in the United States .
22 Apart from the police forces — and here I move on to one of the hon. Gentleman 's questions — only the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency and Her Majesty 's Customs and Excise have direct access to the PNC , but they can see only some of the information and only to read it .
23 because they might have only a few , whereas the others have got thousands on them .
24 Although viruses , plasmids , and transposons are relatively simple , they are probably not primitive , because they can replicate only inside living cells , using some of the machinery of those cells .
25 ‘ And they say they still call themselves ‘ Pelliti ’ because they used to dress only in goat and sheep skins . ’
26 For instance , if child benefit had been uprated fully in line with prices since 1984 , a three-child family would receive £31.20 a week from next April , whereas they will receive only £25.25p — £5.95p a week less than in 1984 , or a loss per child of £100 a year .
27 Show them how to be concise when they may have only minutes or even seconds to put over their viewpoint .
28 When presented with adequate messages , even though they may contain only the minimal information necessary to locate the target , young children are capable of the necessary perceptual discrimination and message decoding to perform effectively as listeners .
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