Example sentences of "[conj] this may be [art] " in BNC.

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1 more landmasses are above water than usual — although this may be a chicken-and-egg effect because during an ice age much of the world 's water is locked up as ice , so that ocean levels are lower
2 Although this may be a couple of years out of date , it only costs £3 and it may give some clues as to the strength of the company .
3 Although this may be a powerful motive , it is not the best reason .
4 Although this may be the responsibility of the design or project management team , the employer should always be kept informed .
5 b Day patients and outpatients were not included in the calculation although this may be the most cost-effective form of treatment .
6 Firstly , the arm spines are long , up to 2 segments long while in the other species they tend to equal only one arm segment and secondly the skin of the disk is not thickened obscuring the plates beneath , although this may be an artefact due to the dried condition of the holotype there is usually some indication of a skin covering even in dried specimens .
7 And the reverse of that , wrote Harsnet , the feeling that all we have already felt and seen and heard has yet to happen , is so far only a dream , a fantasy , and the sense , he wrote , that this may be a feeling we experience again and again throughout our lives , that the elements of experience have failed to catch on to the glass of our lives , or that the glass is there and waiting for the experience to be registered , that it can wait for ever , for it does not know the meaning of time .
8 We fail to make the connection that this may be a consequence of low income .
9 It is possible that this may be a little reduced by budgetary adjustment , ’ he told a gathering of French researchers and administrators on the Cote d'Azur .
10 And a significant point is that at least one in three actual users of bank loans say this perhaps underlining the suggestion made above that this may be a correct interpretation of the bank manager 's part in the lending decision .
11 One of the problems with Heelas ' excellent discussion ( this volume ) is that while he develops the ambiguities concerning intentionality in our own concept of ‘ aggression ’ very well , he does not seem to recognize that this may be a very general feature of related concepts in other cultures .
12 We also have some evidence ( see , for example , Whyte , 1986 ) that this may be a learned difference which can be altered through appropriate educational experiences .
13 He also thanked all employees for the tremendous efforts involved in building the new Johnson Matthey and on a day when South Africa was celebrating National Peace Day , he expressed hope that this may be a new beginning in a much broader sense .
14 As cimetidine has been shown to enhance natural killer cell cytoxicity it is postulated that this may be a mechanism partly responsible for the inhibition of basal xenograft growth achieved in this study .
15 However , their results show that this postnatal reduction in receptor levels is less marked in women who suffer from maternity blues , and it is suggested that this may be the cause of the depression .
16 If your baby is being fed with cow 's milk or cow's-milk formula feed , and you suspect that this may be the cause of the symptoms , then ask the doctor to prescribe a ‘ milk-free ’ formula .
17 It is interesting that this may be the only area in which dependence is almost universally feared and resented .
18 Some of the later pairs ‘ display a great variety and experimentation in the arrangement of motifs drawn from a widespread stock of artistic ideas ’ ( ibid. , p. 36 ) ; it is suggested that this may be the result of craftsmen working together in a workshop .
19 Recent results obtained by expressing a variety of G-protein-coupled receptors in cultured mammalian cells suggest that this may be the case .
20 Our response to tender documents which state that this may be the case is to ask for the detailed information we need to make a liability assessment and that 's not always forthcoming . ’
21 The reasons critics have said erm that this may be the case is because the equation works erm very neatly .
22 The weightings are based on agreement between the faculty heads and this may be a function of their power and past spending allocations rather than an objective assessment of need .
23 Also about this time Leopold compiled a list entitled ‘ Verzeichniss alles desjenigen was dieser 12jährige Knab seit seinem 7tem Jahre componiert , und in originali kann aufgezeiget werden ’ — [ List of everything that this 12-year old boy has composed since his 7th year , and can be exhibited in the originals ] ( 11 ) , and this may be a draft or copy of a document which accompanied the petition to Emperor Joseph II .
24 Scurvy , the old sailor 's disease , is caused by a lack of vitamin C. Tobacco , generous amounts of alcohol and aspirin interfere with vitamin C absorption ; the Americans recommend a 60mg daily supplement for smokers or drinkers and this may be a reasonable amount to try .
25 In general , the areas occupied by solitary mature males are less rich in food than the female ranges and this may be a deliberate strategy on the male 's part .
26 Large figurines mainly thrown on the potter 's wheel and decorated in vase-painter 's technique are known from several Greek sites in the late Bronze Age ; and this may be a line where we shall one day be able to trace continuity of production through the dark ages .
27 The concept of the generic worker is still in its infancy , but some voluntary organizations and statutory services now favour this sort of employee and this may be a more satisfactory way to staff community services in future than by increasing the numbers of specialist professional posts .
28 Although Windows 3.1 came supplied with its own font manager in the shape of TrueType , only a few faces are supplied and this may be a problem for anyone running wordprocessing and desktop publishing software , particularly if the software does not supply any extra faces .
29 No doubt , it would be very helpful if certain matters went to court for determination , and this may be a factor taken into account in deciding whether to assist or not .
30 The registration statistics revealed only 4.5% as non-standard entrants , and this may be a slightly exaggerated figure .
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