Example sentences of "[conj] this [noun sg] [verb] got " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise it tends to make the whole picture , like , I went to er er one club once and there was a very nice portrait , not unlike this , there was a girl sitting on a stool , rather less clothes on than this girl has got and it was very nicely done except she was sitting on a painted stool and all the paint was chipped and that to me looked really tacky !
2 I believe that this Government have got that balance right .
3 I 've made up my mind — I 'm going to tell him myself that this nonsense has got to end once and for all .
4 An' you should know that this city 'as got a bigger mouth than any reporter from any newspaper .
5 Erm although we can , if you look closely you can see that this chap has got a shrimp net in his hand , er so you get a fair idea of what 's going on .
6 Even those who support the view of a gradual assimilation of legacy and trust in the classical period in order to account for examples of loose language have some difficulty here : for nobody really wants to suppose that this process had got very far in Celsus ' day .
7 Well some of them stayed in , and this book 's got the a bit of the worse for the wear aye here it is you see .
8 And this lot have got to go first have n't they ?
9 sorry I 've got a little handout for you with bits of information and there 's also a picture of a breach presentation and this baby has got its feet right up into its high socket .
10 Right , second baby has a P K U gene from his mum and a normal gene from his dad and he is not affected , but he is a P K U carrier , right , third baby gets a normal gene from his mum and a P K U gene from his dad and he 's the same , or she 's the same P K U carrier , but not affected , unfortunately the last baby gets a P K U gene from , from mum and a P K U gene from dad and this baby has got P K U and that is a simple , simple sort of exercise of how genetic disorders sometimes appear and sometimes do n't
11 Let's see if this man 's got some
12 See tha , i if this chap 's got a fault , it 's that he 's a bit of mucky worker .
13 Unless this chap 's got two heads they 'll confirm it 's Hess , I 'll put my shirt on it .
14 up in the , from the future with a , the pink make up one , but this woman 's got a green one
15 I am very much in favour of doing that and I guess that since this conference has got the environment on its agenda we may hope to hear bright new suggestions of how to avoid dilemmas of that kind .
16 I do n't know whether , whether it sort of erm rang any bells with you but normally if you 're in a house people do n't offer you dri they usually say would you like a cup of tea or a cup of coffee and I just wondered , perhaps it 's my suspicious nature , whether this guy 's got a drink problem
17 Now the other side , the hyperglycaemia that is too much sugar , now whatever one it is , if you do n't know the difference , the treatment is the same , you will give sugar even though this person has got too much , but this one comes on very slowly and quite honestly the person should realize themselves it 's so slow .
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