Example sentences of "[conj] this [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although this sounds like propaganda , the memory of chemical warfare waged by the Iraqis in the Gulf war is too recent for it to be dismissed .
2 The three main types of people who practise archaeology are professional archaeologists , amateur enthusiasts , and students , although this varies from country to country .
3 The basis of payment was the subsidy assessment of 1334 , but although this remained in use for the following two centuries , the variations in the extent to which relief was granted in the fifteenth century to communities which had declined in size and wealth since that date suggest that a genuine effort was made to judge their capacity to pay at particular times .
4 Freeman suggested that this refers to participation in a ceremony of confirmation at Southampton in 1016 , or to Cnut 's coronation by Archbishop Lyfing in 1017 .
5 Note that this refers to card subjects , so the light and shade effects found in a plant canopy will be absent .
6 If , for example , it were to be suggested that management had paid insufficient attention to the development of the company 's product base , establishing that this amounted to negligence would be highly problematical .
7 It was held that this amounted to recklessness .
8 A pity that this clashes with Music for a Dying King ( C4 : 7.00–8.00 pm ) , a Tony Scull documentary exploring the religious music of baroque composer Franois Couperin .
9 Lemert suggested that this cuts off access to conventional settings , activities and identities and in time leads to the ‘ deviants ’ acquiring a different conception of themselves : they live up to the deviant identity given to them by the labellers and indulge in more ( ‘ secondary ’ ) deviance .
10 There is evidence to suggest that this did in fact happen .
11 President Bush has agreed that the conventional arms treaty should be signed at summit level , and the Americans know that this means in practice that Mr Gorbachev will have his Helsinki 2 .
12 President Bush has agreed that the conventional arms treaty should be signed at summit level , and the Americans know that this means in practice that Mr Gorbachev will have his Helsinki 2 .
13 The duties of a Resident , Temple asseverated , were such as to give ‘ opportunities for the exertion of any degree of administrative capacity , tact , and industry ’ , and , amplifying : ‘ It may readily be supposed that this keeping in touch with the people without impairing the authority of the Emir and consequently of the whole native administration , is no easy task , and one on which any amount of administrative tact and ability can be exerted . ’
14 Recognising that this stands in contradiction to the statements contained in the terms and conditions of engagement which they offer their casual workers , some organisations seek to make it clear that they are no more than " collecting agents for the revenue " .
15 It is submitted that this leaves in place the binding character of Article 13 of the original Convention as to service of documents by accredited consular or diplomatic agents .
16 Transferring attention to coordinates at 45° to the x- and y-directions shows that this corresponds to anisotropy of the turbulence — different intensities in different directions .
17 The trouble is caused by the way that Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3.0 implements an enhanced mode of its own and this clashes with Window 's version of enhanced mode .
18 No good parent denies children the right to risk themselves physically , socially and emotionally as part of their development and this continues in adult life .
19 Daylight and ordinary tungsten light do not mix together very well photographically ; on the other hand , fluorescent light is often used in kitchens and this mixes with daylight better than tungsten if ‘ daylight ’ tubes are in use , in which case set the camcorder white balance to the ‘ daylight ’ preset if you have the choice .
20 This theory is improbable , however , as the proteolytic enzyme , α-chymotrypsin , enhances rather than inhibits nerve mediated relaxation of the internal anal sphincter and this points against release of a peptide or protein .
21 Nursing time was estimated by the sister to be one hour and this allows for preparation , performance of the test , and cleaning up .
22 Each student receives different instructions and this allows for spontaneity of reactions , thus making the situation more real .
23 These high volumes of traffic pass through densely built up areas often of high environmental quality and this results in congestion , delay and road safety problems .
24 The lower limit of TL dating of sediment is closely linked with uncertainty about how far the sediment was bleached in antiquity , and this led to development of the optically stimulated luminescence ( OSL ) technique .
25 At the end of 1989 joint military exercises were held with Singapore ( in Indonesia ) , and this led to speculation that Singapore might wish to negotiate military training facilities in the country to replace those which it currently used in Taiwan .
26 A defect is defined by reference to the expectation of safety in the product and this relates to property damage as well as death and personal injury .
27 We took evidence in public and this went without interruption or serious demonstration .
28 And this remains throughout life , for the old occupy a much higher status in primitive society than they do in societies like ours .
29 And so in the mother church , there is a call to be pioneers again in new areas , and not to settle back , and this leads to growth in faith as people learn to call out to God again .
30 Insurance companies may collaborate in working out loss probabilities and this leads to uniformity in premium rates .
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