Example sentences of "[conj] this [noun] is to " in BNC.

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1 Although this characteristic is to some extent a handicap in that they can not be used , for instance , with boiling water , there are very great manufacturing advantages since the stuff can be squirted out hot in the form of tubes and sections or else into an elaborately shaped mould where it can be hardened almost instantaneously by rapid chilling .
2 Obviously , I understand that this course is to be built mainly for the benefit of the people who 'll buy the new houses , but it seems a pity that natural unspoilt countryside should be bulldozed to make way for what 's really just a few rich people 's pastime . ’
3 In seeing African sculpture reproduced , the reader can remember that this art is to an extent being misrepresented by photography .
4 And this impact is to be achieved in a particular way , i.e. through a ‘ profane illumination ’ brought about through the juxtaposition of two or more seemingly incongruous figures .
5 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
6 Funds are urgently required if this work is to be completed on the North Side .
7 If this contribution is to be representative of the burial environment within a 30 cm radius , it is best measured in situ , either using small metal capsules containing a highly TL-sensitive material buried for about one year , or using a calibrated gamma ray spectrometer .
8 If this pitfall is to be avoided , it is suggested that careful attention is needed to the way in which normalisation is being interpreted .
9 If this approach is to be successful there need to be benefits to the wife , the farmer , and the farm .
10 Further development is required if this technique is to be included in the alternative treatments for the management of gall stones .
11 If this reformulation is to be justified , then we need to show that [ 12 ] yields contextual effects not yielded by [ 31 ] : It seems to me that in contrast with [ 31 ] , [ 12 ] draws the hearer 's attention to the fact that this was n't ordinary , plain running .
12 If this attack is to be , I too will be needed at Famagusta .
13 We strongly suggest that if this preparation is to be attempted it be done on a small scale and the reaction mixture be checked for unreduced bis(2-azidoethyl)ether before removal of chloroform and distillation of the diamine .
14 If this arrangement is to be varied a special condition is required .
15 It is clear that if this point is to be elaborated the notion of personal matters must be defined .
16 Management approaches will have to change if this transition is to be made smoothly .
17 In an interview on French television on Dec. 2 , Saddam Hussein said that " if this meeting is to be a true path to dialogue , then we are closer to peace , … but if this meeting is to be nothing more than a formal exhibition … then we are closer to war " .
18 In an interview on French television on Dec. 2 , Saddam Hussein said that " if this meeting is to be a true path to dialogue , then we are closer to peace , … but if this meeting is to be nothing more than a formal exhibition … then we are closer to war " .
19 If this resource is to be stored and processed efficiently , some thought needs to be given to the manner in which it is represented .
20 But the reports must be consistent over time if this comparison is to be facilitated .
21 But this problem is to be tackled by improving and extending our theories and not by recording an endless list of aimless observations .
22 An even older Sivapithecus ( 17 million years old ) has been claimed for Kenya as being ancestral to the hominid chimpanzee-gorilla lineage a relationship which is confirmed by molecular studies — and the Asiatic orang-utan lineage ; whether this animal is to be considered congeneric with the later species of Sivapithecus is disputed , however .
23 [ The ICAEW ethics guidelines are not clear as to whether this courtesy is to be extended to non-UK based auditors ] .
24 [ The ICAEW ethics guidelines are not clear as to whether this courtesy is to be extended to non-UK based auditors ]
25 [ The ICAEW Ethics guidelines are not clear as to whether this courtesy is to be extended to non-UK based auditors ] .
26 When this material is to hand , further details will be given in this Journal .
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