Example sentences of "[conj] what be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The principle of independence in monist reasoning is usually coupled with an attempt to interpret relations as a sub-class of properties and expressive of certain purely internal features of their terms , or what is sometimes referred to as the doctrine of the " internality of relations " .
2 They had assumed without question that Eliot , the royalist and high churchman , would have sided automatically with the establishment or what was then called the ruling class .
3 The 1974 re-organisation was based on the twin principles of rational planning and efficient management , although what was finally brought into being achieved neither .
4 The article concludes that what is now required is not only a consolidation but also a rethinking of educational interventions if issues of racism , ethnicity and cultural difference are to be adequately addressed in the 1990s and beyond .
5 And , now that the Act expressly recognises that a firm , as such , may be appointed and that increasingly accountancy firms are incorporated , it is expressly stated that what is then required is a signature in the name of the firm by a person authorised to sign on its behalf .
6 It should be obvious that what is really implied here is the rapid repetition of the complete chords , which would be impossible on the piano at the required speed .
7 It 's erm in fact a quote from Wilson , the founder of Socio-biology , the mo in other words modern er Darwinism as oppo as , as a applied to animal behaviour and Wilson 's point in saying that sex is an anti-social force in evolution was to suggest that what is really happening is that if natural selection is a question of the reproductive success of individual genes , then individuals should be motivated to produce as many copies of those genes as they possibly can , and that will inevitably bring them into competition with other members of the species who wan na do exactly the same thing .
8 But Greenpeace says that what 's really needed is more action by the Government to stop pollution :
9 I have before noticed that what are commonly called warm colours are not necessary to produce the impression of warmth in landscape ; and this picture affords , to me , the strongest possible proof of the truth of this .
10 Scotland might order things differently , but in England the rule was that what was not prohibited was permitted and the debate on civil rights was therefore concerned with the balance between the acceptable limits imposed by law and the freedom of action of the individual .
11 I decided that what was urgently required was a method and content which did n't place either the problem or the expertise ‘ out there ’ , which helped teachers to share and analyse their own experience , define their problems and priorities , identify their own routes to solutions .
12 Careful examination of ancient Egyptian cloisonné work has shown that what was once claimed as enamel was in reality coloured glass skilfully cut to fit the cloisons .
13 The lengthy section in the same report on the persecution of the Jews in Germany began by stating that what was currently taking place was the ‘ irresistible extermination of a minority ’ , comparable to the genocide against the Armenians by the Turks during the First World War but carried out in Germany against the Jews ‘ more slowly and in more planned fashion ’ , adding accurately that ‘ in reality a lawless situation has long prevailed , through which every act of force against the Jewish minority is sanctioned ’ .
14 These are free and demand has been so great that what was initially planned as a single four-week course has been extended to sessions running until the spring .
15 It was noted however that what was contemptuously called the ‘ village intelligentsia ’ still maintained a hostile attitude to the Party and the Red Army .
16 On the first day of the Ajdabiyan ballot many young men went to some length to insist that what was about to occur was closer to Athenian practice than anything that could possibly occur in Britain ; their disappointment at the outcome of the day was movingly transparent .
17 It is observed that pH in the samples from patients without gall stones was higher than what is normally reported in human gall bladder bile .
18 A world transfixed by the horror in the Balkans is entitled to feel it has better things to worry about than what is not happening in the Middle East .
19 What we seek is school management which more fully reflects this diversity of opinion , rather than what is widely seen as the inflexible dogma of the current approach .
20 Religion has much deeper roots , and its influence is much more pervasive than what is commonly seen and interpreted as ‘ religious ’ .
21 A corollary is that it provides an account of how more can be communicated , in his rather strict sense of non-naturally meant , than what is actually said .
22 A second important contribution made by the notion of implicature is that it provides some explicit account of how it is possible to mean ( in some general sense ) more than what is actually " said " ( i.e. more than what is literally expressed by the conventional sense of the linguistic expressions uttered ) .
23 Now those were the issues that were leading us sir had left us to make an objection to this structure plan that we thought erm the detailed papers on it were sent to the county in our in our objections , they led us to by a series of calculations to come to the view that around about a hundred hectares would be more appropriate for Harrogate , this is in addition to its Greater York supplement , erm than what is now settled upon which is sixty hectares .
24 The punch was non-alcoholic ; there was no alcohol available , other than what was secretly brought in .
25 This unfortunate way of thinking that theory is purely speculative leads to a division , not only between the concept of theory and fact , but also between what are called ‘ theorists ’ and what are sometimes called ‘ empiricists ’ , or even simply field workers .
26 ‘ Well , we 'd been so public I suppose everyone thought they had a right to make it their business , and what 's more according to us they did . ’
27 ‘ Why should Craig want to steal from his own company and what 's more share the proceeds with an accountant ? ’
28 Thereafter it 's no more than a recurrent talking-point or a way of talking down , with all this I do n't feel I really know you and What 's really going on in there ? and Show me the real you .
29 By so phrasing each paragraph and bringing each incident to a proper conclusion , Nijinska gives both dancers and audience time to consider what has been done and what is yet to happen .
30 To say this is , it should be noted , is to make a theological point : since it is held that God is the creator , so that what is natural , and what is also found to be the case , must accord with what is God 's intention .
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