Example sentences of "[conj] will [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such orbits will either be symmetric ( i.e. be their own image under the symmetry ) or will occur in symmetric pairs , each of which is taken to the other by the symmetry .
2 A state may declare that , provided there is reciprocity , it will make no charge for the services necessary for executing letters rogatory or will accept in complete satisfaction of the cost of such services either the fixed amount mentioned above or some other amount .
3 Mantes has continued the development of SCF — a film that will seal at low temperatures so it can run in faster production lines .
4 In a news conference reported on Portuguese radio on April 9 , UNITA vice-president Jeremias Chitunda said that resolution of the conflict was contingent on the signing of a ceasefire agreement and the holding of free , fair and internationally monitored elections which , he said , " make up an indivisible component of the process that will lead to lasting peace and national reconciliation in Angola " .
5 I will be working closely with Brian Eyre over coming months to help to create the climate that will lead to favourable decisions about our future .
6 Land acquisition , site assembly , land reclamation , infrastructural improvement and environmental enhancement are the means through which it engages with local authorities , the Department of Environment and most importantly , the private sector to lever investment that will lead to economic growth .
7 Two projects commissioned by the European Commission — the competitiveness of the Community 's ‘ tradeable service sector ’ relative to Japan and the USA , and the ‘ identification of the technical devices that will lead to new service activities in the next 10-15 years and the role which these new services might play in European society ’ — were completed in 1985 .
8 Steve Platt finds that the people who sold their votes are not necessarily Labour supporters ; Missing millions Did vanishing voters tip the electoral scales , asks Jolyon Jenkins ; Culture of contentment The western world seems set on a course that will lead to great violence in our cities , says J K Galbraith ; On the clothes line The Paris fashion industry employs illegal immigrants at knock-down wages , reports Nyta Mann ; Symbolic injustice The importance of the Rodney King case is that injustice was done , and was seen to be done , says Alexander Cockburn
9 The western world seems set on a course that will lead to great violence and conflagration in our cities .
10 Furthermore , he believes that business and technical managers are polarised in their views — the former see systems engineers as simply interested in technology for technology 's sake , adopting a piecemeal approach to business rather than building systems that will lead to enhanced company profits .
11 Soils can be improved by digging and adding manure or compost to give plants the lavish , freely drained , yet moisture-retentive conditions many relish , although there are many roses ( notably rugosas , species and old-fashioned kinds ) that will succeed on poor ground .
12 Well I think this war the aim of this war is to achieve erm minimum casualty , and by doing what the allied forces are doing by denying the Iraqui forces the logistics such as transportations and communication system is very vital to reduce the power of the enemy and then you can force him to retreat , or you can weaken the army that will result in minimum casualty for the allied forces .
13 Indeed the changes that will result from recent NII reports may themselves raise costs .
14 Malcolm Green , an Oxford chemist , speaking at a symposium in London , recently described a tungsten compound that will react with certain carbon hydrogen bonds .
15 How will it be possible to develop educational practices that will build on existing multicultural and antiracist initiatives , but move beyond them ?
16 The Institute supports the ASB 's development of a statement of principles , but maintains that the statement should not anticipate points of debate that will appear in future standards .
17 Some of my colleagues will regard this gesture on the part of the Board with pleasure that will make for whole-hearted co-operation on their part .
18 This situation has more recently been reversed , and there is now a wide availability of reasonably priced expert system software that will function on low cost hardware .
19 Developers can build complex distributed software systems that will migrate to new technologies without re-engineering , according to the company .
20 He is considering ways ‘ to develop exhibitions beyond the permanent collection that will relate to different sectors of the population .
21 ‘ To appreciate the real position , the relative size of costs in ( CAA headquarters at ) Gatwick and ( JAA Headquarters at ) Hoofdorp have to be taken into account , as well as the benefits that will stem in due course from the JAA-wide applicability of Certificates and Approvals .
22 I also like to lay in one or two other special bottles for the festive season — a slightly heavier red that will cope with rich roasts or casseroles and a crisp dry white to drink with fish or seafood dishes .
23 Within the past few years there have been developments that give rise to the hope that before too long we shall have a filly consistent quantum theory of gravity , one that will agree with general relativity for macroscopic objects and will , one hopes , be free of the mathematical infinities that have long bedeviled other quantum field theories .
24 Grain stress the urgency of preserving old varieties as both disease-resistant strains and ones that will thrive without high levels of pesticide or fertilizer application .
25 Tank-bred specimens are hardy fish that will thrive in soft or hard water between pH 6.2 and 7.2 .
26 If you need increased quality in terms of output resolution it is vital to look for products that will connect to true typesetting equipment .
27 But when questions of law do arise , their determination may be of the greatest importance because of the effect that will have on subsequent cases .
28 The initiative is part of a wider effort to facilitate the development of applications that will run on future generations of parallel architectures without loss of performance .
29 There is a sort of hidden agenda , because according to MacWeek , Apple believes that implementing as much of Macintosh System as possible for iAPX-86 will increase the number of programs that will run in native mode on the planned PowerPC-based Macs because the potential of the huge MS-DOS base will give Mac developers an incentive to make their code portable .
30 While there are some featherweight kites that will rise in calm air on thermal currents , or elevate when the flyer applies tension on the line by pulling as with the Eastern fighting kites , our concern is that there should be adequate wind strength .
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