Example sentences of "[conj] would [be] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 turf her out on the bed she might sleep with me and you sleep on the settee or would be a bit better than two beds than the settee , an extra bed space for her mum 's house too much for over Christmas , that 's not fair she 's not all over the place .
2 she does n't seem the type that would be a school teacher I mean the erm that erm seven , eight year old that she teaches and I just think what she 's like at school .
3 ‘ It 's the kind of kick that would be a problem on a normal knee for only one week .
4 St Jude 's Square lay before her , level and familiar , flanked by its old taverns and the graceful iron railings of St Jude 's churchyard where Luke still often waited for her ; the square crowded and ebullient today with the stalls for the Friday market , with traders and dealers and pedlars of fancy braids and buttons , fans , feathers , bright little birds in cages , beads , sequins , second-hand dresses that could be unpicked and made over , second-hand bonnets that could be remodelled , old belts that sometimes had decent buckles , sugar sticks the colour of rubies and emeralds that would be a treat for Liam .
5 Cunningham , who has not played since May 1 has still trained hard , and he admitted yesterday : ‘ Realistically , I could not play in Saturday 's Test that would be a bit early . ’
6 you know a legal document , but I mean maybe we can reach some sort of middle ground that would be a kind of guidelines and
7 Somehow all his rolls of fat were invested with dignity as they shook to his sobs and his weight pulling at her was a part of it that would be a part of her life forever .
8 She touched him , her hands flat against his chest , tangling in the dark , dark hair , following its trail that led down and down , stroking the aroused maleness that would be a part of her so very , very soon .
9 If the principle on which morality is based is referred to as ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ ( Kant ) , then that would be a way of explaining the reason a man might have for acting morally .
10 ‘ Who is here so base that would be a bondsman ?
11 Talking of restrictions , it often happens that your client wants to develop a property that is subject to old restrictive covenants in a manner that would be a breach of covenant .
12 In any walk of life that would be a compliment .
13 If in time ways can be found to beautify the street further , then that would be a bonus on top of the already achieved traffic calming gains .
14 If you did a blank that would be a value Dave .
15 If that was an alkane that would be a butane four carbons .
16 Newly-appointed manager Maureen Kelly said the building should be open in July and would be a centre of excellence .
17 Having said that , the hon. and learned Member for Burton makes a good point : it would offend against the views of ordinary persons and would be a crying sense of injustice if people who were not party to the aggravated crime and who had sought to distance themselves from it were found guilty because the balance of probabilities had fallen on them to prove their innocence .
18 This extraction should be by way of a dividend , not a buy-in of any of the parent company 's shares , as the latter would not be a dividend which could be made under a group income election and would be a part-disposal of the parent company 's shares for capital gains tax purposes .
19 An exclusive emphasis upon such approaches , however , is fallacious , and would be a misuse of AE resources .
20 According to Mr Nichol , such a deal could increase pay rates in London by 30 per cent and elsewhere by 20 per cent , and would be a step toward a ‘ likely ’ decision to put non-emergency services out to contract .
21 It was a degrading situation for Tom and would be a humiliation if he were passed over .
22 He is at his best on soft ground and would be a danger to all off his present mark if he could find his best form .
23 However , if all members of a group went swimming at the same time and left valuables unattended , that would be an unnecessary risk where no real precautions had been taken and would be a breach of the duty of care .
24 Such a breach would go to the root of the contract and would be a breach of a condition , giving the person acquiring the program the right to cancel the contract and recover the cost of the system plus any direct losses .
25 This swash bar may be pushed up above high tide level and is obviously not destroyed by a falling tide as would be a break point bar .
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