Example sentences of "[conj] would [adv] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Note that this saving throw is not strictly speaking because of armour , and the Orc always has a saving throw of 6 even if he is struck by a weapon that would normally have a saving throw modifier .
2 She appealed unashamedly to her English readers for money for the foreign artists : ‘ If anyone likes to send some money , I will promise to dispense it with the most rigid favouritism towards people who would probably sooner beg than risk the jaundice of a free meal and would sooner have a note of twenty francs all at once than beg every day . ’
3 This schema has led to the collapse of the Swedish system , and would doubtless have the same sorry result in this country .
4 ‘ Very often , at Ealing , the Director himself would think up ideas for films and would probably have a lot to do with the genesis of the scripts as well . ’
5 The Commission concluded that the new entity could act independently of its competitors and customers and would thus have a dominant position on the commuter markets .
6 It was made clear that the CIS was not considered a state or even a supranational grouping , and would therefore have no citizenship .
7 He took it all for granted , and would never have a clue just how blessed he was .
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