Example sentences of "[conj] there would [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 One solution proposed by Amman is to bring in entry charges of DM3 per head , although there would continue to be no charge on Wednesdays and Sundays .
2 The West German Finance Minister , Theo Waigel , had told the meeting that the costs of unification could be carried by means of tax revenues resulting from higher than expected economic growth , and in an interview on April 8 he said that , although there would have to be some tax adjustments , the overall tax burden would remain the same .
3 But the over-riding problem was really to ensure that there would continue to be a School for boys to progress from .
4 They are very aware that the problems of the coal industry combined with the clash between government policy and the policies of the TUC ensured that there would have to be some type of conflict in 1926 .
5 By this time the country would be in such a shambles under Kinnock , Smith , Hattersley , Cook and Co that there would have to be another election , which the Tories would once again be able to fight in a properly robust and combative fashion .
6 Bukharin realised , just as well as Preobrazhensky , that there would have to be a transfer of resources to industry if industrialisation was to proceed .
7 Nobody thought trade could be carried on in India without a network of factories and fortifications , which meant that there would have to be a company with a charter to run them — the idea that the government might provide them would have struck the merchants as inappropriate and would have alarmed the politicians who would have had to impose taxes to pay for them .
8 5.1 In considering the rate at which course proposals can be validated , the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee recognised that there would have to be a range of validation models , each of which will be tailored to the course and the centre .
9 The summit communiqué " welcome[d] trends in Iran to improve and develop its relations with GCC member states " but noted that there would have to be " serious work to settle differences " .
10 He said that there would have to be compromise but gave no indication of any new breakthrough .
11 Last autumn it was stated in a document that there would have to be further subscriptions of finance before er , the project became profitable .
12 They held that the architect 's giving of an interim certificate was not the decision of a dispute between the plaintiff and his builders and that there would need to be a dispute for the architect to qualify as an arbitrator : see Lord Reid at [ 1974 ] AC 737 H. ( For a discussion of the difference between experts and certifiers in construction contracts , see 7.4.2 . )
13 Both agreed that there would seem to be no rational explanation , but everything pointed to the fact that Aubrey Clark was revisiting his old signal box .
14 The only problem is that he is the captain of Bohs so there would need to be lots of dosh on the table before I 'd allow him to move .
15 Jean-Marie Balestre , the president of FISA , has pointed out that the regulations permit an immediate ban regardless of any appeal and there would appear to be no further argument on that point .
16 So if the revenue had refused in the exercise of their discretion to make the repayment they did in the present case I am of opinion that in the absence of any other remedy it would have been open to Woolwich to claim repayment in proceedings for judicial review , and there would appear to be no reason why such proceedings would not have been successful .
17 The units could have a counter top and there would need to be efficient lighting .
18 Kenneth Baker , the party chairman , said yesterday that Cabinet ministers would play a stronger role in government than they had done over the last decade , and there would have to be public spending increases in the 1990s to pay for an improved quality of life .
19 The three were closely linked and led to two important conclusions : part of the Strategic Reserve would have to be positioned East of Suez ; and there would have to be some stocking of heavy equipment and supplies , and the establishment of essential repair facilities , on the far side of the Arab air/sea barrier .
20 And there would have to be at least one Liberal Democrat post in Cabinet .
21 The cost would be substantial , even when viewed as a military exercise , for the men would have to be supplied with food , water and ammunition by helicopter , and there would have to be medical facilities aboard nearby ships in case of broken legs and so forth . ’
22 There would seem to be no problem about proving enactment — the Royal Assent is today granted by Commissioners and there would seem to be no privilege bar to their giving evidence as to the grant .
23 And there would seem to be an easy , gradual continuum between using the voice to make echoes and using it to mimic echoes .
24 Well , I mean , I think , er from , I mean certainly I do n't know how you feel chairman , but my view of this has changed if what Mr says is correct , then it seems that this seems , that this is the , the basic sort of day to day decision making erm , group , erm , and far more central to the purposes of W R A D than previously appeared , and there would seem to me therefore to be some case of paying an attendance allowance or else erm , deferring the decision erm , until we have even more information , but I think , if it really is the , the , the sort of decision making bit then attendance allowance ought to be paid .
25 Reform could take many guises , but there would have to be large investment in housing renewal , educational provision and job creation , while steps would need to be taken to reduce the real but , Scarman argued , not institutionalized , racism apparent within the Metropolitan Police .
26 Pippin was expected to capitulate ; but there would have to be a settlement .
27 Obviously it should not be possible to evade the statutory immunity by pleading the genus and relying on the species as unlawful means , but there would seem to be no statutory protection if the unlawful means take any other form such as nuisance or trespass .
28 I have never been able to ascertain just why such an arrangement should exist , since there would seem to be no 480 volt mains supplies .
29 Whether there would continue to be a single currency was , however , unresolved .
30 Whether there would continue to be a single currency was , however , unresolved .
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