Example sentences of "[conj] there be more people " in BNC.

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1 This means that there are more people who might need support in old age , including sharing a home with relatives .
2 ‘ I had been aware , ’ Jaffray says , ‘ that there were more people with potential for ballet than ever considered entering a ballet class . ’
3 ‘ You have told me , at least , ’ he said , musing , ‘ that there were more people knew Aldhelm would be coming down that path than just the few of us , as it began .
4 There 's more and more lights over the road — you know , from shops and that , and there 's more people walking about .
5 And there 's more people taking it up seriously now , not just strumming chords .
6 Unfortunately , as mankind became more ‘ civilised ’ , and there were more people around restricted by the blocks , they estranged themselves from Nature and their deity symbols became logic and order .
7 Traffic was a little heavier now and there were more people on the sidewalks .
8 Cos there 's more people now than there was in those days .
9 ‘ Not until there are more people in there . ’
10 Well it would be more fun if there was more people .
11 Because there are more people in the south there are larger markets for goods .
12 Because there are more people there on Saturday and all the people we know will be there and it 's more fun when there 's a crowd .
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