Example sentences of "[conj] there be about [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was moved by Francis Maginn who told his audience that in almost every state of America , in addition to a National Society , there was an Association of deaf mutes organised and officered by the prominent deaf themselves , whereas in the United Kingdom , where there were about twenty thousand deaf , there was neither a regional nor a national organisation .
2 It received only about 3,000 returned forms , although there were about 6,000 votes because I understand that there were two votes on each one .
3 H B F's assessment that there are about thirty one thousand dwellings already committed in one way or another in the system .
4 The Howard League for Penal Reform believes that there are about 24,000 women in England and Wales who have partners in prison .
5 It has been estimated that there are about 14 million adult smokers in the population of Great Britain and about 10 million ex-smokers .
6 The table that 's before us indicates that there are about sixteen hundred dwellings within the area defined by ten miles .
7 If you visit a major cat show today you will find that there are about fifty breeds on display there , in addition to the many different colour forms and ‘ sub-breeds ’ , all minor variations of well-established breeds , which need not concern us here .
8 The companies reckon that there are about 400,000 small retail outlets in the UK , the vast majority of which are still using straight-forward tills .
9 I understand that there are about five hundred people were actually invited to the ceremony , so obviously this means that about two or three hundred cars were arriving .
10 When it is remembered that there are about 5,000 secondary schools the number opting out is very small .
11 By a process of extrapolation and arithmetic , it can be estimated that there are about 3,500 professionals and 13,000 amateurs who take a leading role in church music in the parishes .
12 Is he aware that that situation will be compounded substantially by the fact that there are about 1,700 ex-service families currently inhabiting Ministry of Defence premises to which , strictly , they have no title ?
13 Remember that there are about 10,000 million galaxies .
14 Well now , taking taking into account the fact that there are about three hundred schools here in Oxfordshire and there 's only one school so far that has chosen to even try to opt out , and it was defeated at that school , then I see that is erm a comment on the kind of Education Authority we have here .
15 The Vatican estimated that there were about 2,800,000 Latin and Eastern Rites Catholics in Romania .
16 Ms Gallacher , 20 , a hairdresser , told the court that there were about 500 people at the party in a warehouse or old school .
17 I think that there were about thirty ships in the convoy .
18 The British Crime Survey showed that there were about four times as many crimes committed each year as the police were ever told about .
19 Day and colleagues estimated that there were about 23,400 HIV-infected individuals in England and Wales by the end of 1991 .
20 ‘ We reckon that there were about 14,500 Derry supporters at the semi-final and of course a lot more people want to see the final , ’ points out Patsy , ‘ However , we only receive 2,000 stand and 7,000 terrace tickets so you can see the extent of the problem we face . ’
21 The enormity of such a task has been made obvious by an American psychologist in the 1930s , who worked his way through an unabridged dictionary , and found that there were about eighteen thousand words that could be used to describe people .
22 It was claimed that there were about 350 members in Sheffield , ‘ 50 wear uniform ’ , and in Harrogate the fascists ‘ appear to confine their attention to younger members of the Tory Party , particularly those interested in sports , rugby and golf players ( the boisterous kind of young bloods ) . ’
23 This sortie was planned to attack Turin on the evening that Mussolini was going to declare war on England , No 4 Group 's Whitleys flew to Jersey in the morning , refuelled and awaited instructions to fly to Italy ; I believe that there were about 20 of us .
24 Amsterdam police sparked racial anger recently when they estimated that there were about 10,000 illegal Ghanaians in the Bijlmermeer district of the city alone .
25 The fact that manual workers married on average , and throughout the period , about a year earlier helped contribute to this , as did the fact that there was about fifty per cent more childlessness among non-manual families .
26 But really these people , and there 're about thirty other nationalities , by the way , being held , he just wants to show how tough he is , and it 's useful in the future , as now , when he wants to make a gesture .
27 And erm we 'd got like jug each and there 's about nine of us and we all took it up to one of the rooms and we drunk the lot of it and we were all like getting a bit a bit
28 It gets to them in the finish and there 's about eight of them
29 Now spreading it over a year means that the project administration jumps dramatically , and there 's about four , five thousand pounds ' worth in there .
30 You 'll have a brilliant time , it 's such a laugh but you ca n't drink , that 's the only thing , you ca n't drink inside , they do n't sell alcohol unless you 've got I D and there 's about four people there that are actually eighteen anyway .
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