Example sentences of "[conj] there was [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 For each subject the free speed was calculated as a proportion of the prevailing speed limit at the site and where there was more than one site available the average value was taken .
2 The public , of course , had only the word of the press to guide them , and although there was more than a germ of truth in what the tabloids reported , this was by no means the first autumn in which the Prince had spent weeks without his wife and children .
3 It was Phillips 's 13th minute shot which allowed the Canaries to close in on the leaders , although there was more than a slice of luck about it as the ball hit Nick Henry before bouncing over the stranded Oldham keeper Paul Gerrard .
4 People living in new housing , whether estates , flats or garden cities , were more satisfied with their houses and neighbourhoods than were those living in the older areas , although there was more than a hint at the loss of street-corner sociability .
5 ‘ I 'm not sure , but Edwin told me once that there was less than a dozen pictures altogether .
6 Fraser 's fork took several forms , as I say : or one might prefer to say that there was more than one fork to reckon with .
7 We must again remind ourselves that there was more than one episode of dinosaur extinction when food and dietary factors have had equal relevance , although each succeeding ( and changed ) species seemed to be better fitted to an ecologically evolved environment .
8 This suggests that there was more than one .
9 It was my own experiences with herbal treatments , due to being ill over the past few years , that convinced me that there was more than just a placebo effect at work .
10 There turned out to be plenty of field mice and short-tailed shrews , various larger insects and the odd rat about , so we concluded that there was more than enough food in the vicinity to sustain our pair .
11 We heard this sort of thing before , when Pontypool ruled the roost in the Seventies and Eighties , and the fact that there was more than an element of truth in it , that the complaints of others could be justified , served only to make the accused — Neath , just like Pontypool before them — become more introverted and less receptive .
12 Even The Times for a while in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution suggested that there was more than a grain of truth in the concept of a Jewish world plot .
13 Although she had nothing to lose but her pride , she sensed that there was more than that at stake — much more .
14 ‘ Sometimes interviews can move in a different direction from the one you anticipate , ’ she said shortly , knowing that there was more than a grain of truth in what he 'd said .
15 The uncle 's car was an old Ford V8 with enormous fins and there was more than enough room for all of them in the back .
16 And there was more than a smack of sympathy for terrorism in a call by a leading Fundi for a ‘ broad show of unity ’ with a group which shot dead two policemen during a demonstration at Frankfurt airport .
17 And there was more than a hint , throughout the speech , that education was primarily instrumental , not a good in itself .
18 He was n't greedy and there was more than enough for everyone to have their share .
19 But there was more than a little doubt in Harriet 's mind as to whether his wife was remotely in love with him .
20 But there was more than that — it was almost as if she were looking for something .
21 But there was more than beauty in her face today .
22 Given all this criticism , the obvious question to try to answer was whether there was more than hype to Making Belfast Work , whether there was anything valuable in it .
23 The French believed there were British officers aboard , and others think someone came back to fire the explosive , for there was more than an hour 's delay on the set time .
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