Example sentences of "[conj] if she [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Myerscough said he would not have let her go home without repeating the traces of the heartbeat or if she had gone home she would have been asked to attend on alternate days for check-ups .
2 Or if she had come to his place and told Gina to bugger off , obeying his instructions , he might have rewarded her and let her move in with him permanently .
3 Or if she 'd known where to get it done properly .
4 ‘ For instance , if someone had n't heard from a man friend for — oh , for a couple of weeks or so-when he 'd said vaguely he 'd ring — I mean , she might wonder if there was something wrong , if he was ill , or if she 'd offended in some way .
5 It is apparently most excusable to rape your wife if she has for a period refused sexual intercourse ‘ unjustifiably ’ or if she has refused sexual intercourse unless her housekeeping money were raised , or even , curiously , ‘ in order to win her back . ’
6 I ca n't bring myself to tell her that if she 'd stayed dead her views might have carried more weight .
7 Puts , but she knew that if she 'd bought me one with all those buttons , I 'd off just confused her
8 Emily went pink , reflecting that if she 'd had charge of this youth in his formative years , things might have been different .
9 I gazed at her , thinking that if she had appeared gentler I might have ventured to say something to her on Victor 's behalf .
10 ‘ I decided that if she had run away she must have gone somewhere where it would be very difficult to find her .
11 Yet she also knew that if she had succumbed to her longing she would not have been satisfied , knowing what she now knew of the terrible difficulties of love .
12 Yet even as one half of her mind speculated on its significance , the other half reminded her that if she had stumbled on this odd circumstance , then the police would almost certainly have done so in the course of their routine enquiries and , since Barney was still their prime suspect , found a satisfactory explanation .
13 She knows that if she had pointed this out to William , and expressed her own wish to take child , and papers , to the Common , William would obligingly have offered to stay at home and chop carrots and peel potatoes and keep an eye on the lamb in the oven .
14 The irony of her life is that if she had enjoyed a happy marriage these qualities may have remained dormant .
15 She understood then that if she had had leisure to listen at the right moment , she might have heard the faint , suggestive sounds of a third presence .
16 Rowbotham ( 1973 ) feels that if she had read Reich earlier , life would have been easier .
17 During Key Biscayne , Jennifer was asked if she agreed with Monica Seles ' current belief that if she had known then , what she knows now , what life on the tennis circuit would be like , she would not have started at such an early age .
18 She felt so dreadfully sorry for him that if she had tried to utter a word she would have broken down .
19 She thought , I do n't doubt , that if she got rid of me he would turn to her , but she 's too fat .
20 Her exit caused him more concern than if she had made it in the blaze of anger similar to that with which she had first confronted him .
21 If she will be earning , that will eat into her profits , but she is likely to be more contented than if she had given up her job .
22 Not a word had she received from Pilade 's father as to his son 's welfare all this long time and if she had given him cause , as he might argue , to abandon her she had given him no such leave to forget his child .
23 I think one thing that blindfolded us a bit was the fact that the river was in spate at the time and if she had fallen in she 'd have been washed out to sea .
24 And if she had heard nothing of the gossip about his private life before she accepted him , certain ladies he had discarded , both married and single , took care that she overheard quite a lot now .
25 Their Lord was a merciful Lord and if she had sinned as she believed He existed to forgive sinners .
26 She wondered where she was , and if she had gone with Patrick .
27 She did n't even know at what point friendship had turned into love , and if she had realised it when it happened the new bud of feeling might have blossomed crazily into hopeless longing and tongue-tied need … or perhaps it would have frosted away and died .
28 There were two dry docks and if she had veered over , she 'd have gone into the oil storage area .
29 ‘ I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car . ’
30 I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car .
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