Example sentences of "[conj] if i have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is at this point that I do n't know if I can help , or if I have somehow wounded him too badly .
2 BELVILLE : It is still my opinion that if I had not discovered the parson as I did , you might have gone to a length that would have put your present situation out of both our powers .
3 The fact is that if I had n't taken part in the BBC television previews of the big event I would probably be riding my old friend Bonanza Boy .
4 I always had the feeling that if I had n't , she would have sat there all night .
5 But the harsh reality is that if I had n't been picked by England for the tour to India , I would have struggled to make ends meet this winter — I do n't know what I would have done .
6 I was not sensitive enough to realize that it was all my fault , and that if I had n't considered him common , he would n't have been so clumsy .
7 The Jewish family got back their papers and told me afterwards that if I had n't been there to see it , God knows what might have happened to them .
8 I guess that if I had n't taken up the trenchcoat and fedora to walk the alleyways of history as the greatest detective of them all , I might well have become a poet .
9 I had the feeling that if I had n't been present he might have risked uttering a few words to Millie .
10 And if I had n't paid why would there be a receipt anyway , ’ protested Kylie quite logically .
11 He 'd walked into the boathouse and tried to pick up an envelope and the floor had given way beneath him and a piece of beam was missing , and if I had n't been there with him he would certainly have drowned in the dock , impaled on something lurking beneath the surface .
12 ‘ It will be a bit of a wrench , but the England team manager 's job is the top one in the business and if I had n't accepted it , I might have regretted it in later life . ’
13 The Scot said : ‘ I was one punch away from knocking him out in the fifth and if I had n't been injured , I would have finished him . ’
14 And if I had n't met the people I 've met , I think I 'd 've been a very frustrated person cos erm , even though you can think of something , un unless , if you have other people you can go , if you say to somebody you could say , oh God , you know let's do this and this and this , or I think , really think this or this and someone else goes yes I do
15 And they , I I suggested they should come and collect it , and if I had n't got a er er er er a reasonable answer , I would have phoned the police .
16 And I would have lost the chance to sail across the Pacific with Ellen , because Ellen was on the verge of agreeing to come with me , and if I had not yielded to the policeman 's blackmail I would have lost Ellen as well as my boat .
17 A number of mourners were quite abusive after the service and if I had not found the funeral so moving I would of asked one or two to step into the vestry .
18 There is something very impressive of state and royalty in the march of these sixty or more elephants ; and if I had not regarded this display of magnificence with a sort of philosophical indifference , I should have been apt to be carried away by such flights of imagination as inspire most Indian poets .
19 You have doubtless heard from time to time some little of my movements on this side of the globe and if I have not written more fully and frequently to my friends in England I trust this will be attributed to the very pressing engagements which have fully occupied my time and mind .
20 I put away the money to pay that bill and if I have n't got anything left over to buy food with , then we have to manage .
21 Mu mu my mum says that I 've got to show all receipts at the end of the year and if I have n't got any then she wants it all back , but she 's she can piss off as far that 's concerned !
22 No cos if I have n't heard in a fortnight you know you 're not getting any in .
23 Believe me , Juliet , I did n't want to tell you this , but if I had n't I know Celia would , and she does n't know the true facts . ’
24 Then , fiercely , ‘ But if I had anywhere else to go , I would . ’
25 I only accepted this [ methadone ] maintenance course to make sure he went on one , too , because if I had n't , he would have carried on using gear and I could n't have handled that .
26 Okay , I , I , I 'm glad , I , I 'm glad I was confused on that point , because if I had n't been , I might not have have er
27 At any rate the effect was the same as if I had n't written at all .
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