Example sentences of "[conj] if [pron] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 no , if , what , where if you have n't got any gold ?
2 The Literary Lionisers , having commanded their maids and valets , if they had them , to unpack , or if they had not , scurried through this tedious task themselves , were gathering for the first event of the week , the promenade around Dickens 's Broadstairs .
3 One or two of his colleagues may know something of his patch if they have covered for him when he was unavailable , or if they have previously worked it before being transferred elsewhere .
4 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
5 You should not anticipate reliable floppy disk reading if the disk is not of the correct type , or if it has not been formatted using the correct procedure for that particular disk drive .
6 Everything large or furry has been shot and eaten or skinned , or if it has n't been , it runs away while you 're still a long way off , which makes it rather difficult to film .
7 Now the especially if it is colourless or if it has n't got a smell , you think ooh I 'm not putting that down .
8 A sentence has only one invariant meaning , or if it has more than one , as in the case of structural or lexical ambiguity , its meanings can be exactly specified .
9 It is at this point that I do n't know if I can help , or if I have somehow wounded him too badly .
10 When we are told of any significant or long-term changes , we will inform you at the time of booking or if you 've already booked , you will be contacted before your departure if there is time .
11 Anyone with a history of injuries ( or if you have already been skiing and suffered one ) will benefit from a session on their Cybex analysis machine ( £30 ) which sagely tests joint and muscular strength at different resistances .
12 We 've got our ferry port , very proud of our municipally owned ferry port , I hope some of you will use it , or if you have n't done so already .
13 You go to a friend , or if you have n't got one there are people who specialize in it , and then you get them to marry her on condition that they divorce her immediately afterwards .
14 Now if you 've planted a seed or if you have n't planted a seed then are we in a strong enough position there to ask about the people we dis we discussed on completion of the er first appointment ?
15 These will be offered to you when you first register with a doctor or if you have not seen your doctor for some time .
16 If you get any irritation — or if you have just overdone the sun a little — put three camomile teabags in your bath to soothe your skin .
17 ‘ It does not matter if you are the world champion or a top-ranking player or if you have just won two tournaments in a row .
18 If you do not have enough of the right kinds of food , or if you have too many high-fat , high-sugar foods in the cupboard , it is difficult to keep strictly to a diet .
19 Please check your envelope to see if your address/postal code is correct or if you have recently been allocated a new telephone coding PLEASE send relevant information to at the Office as soon as possible .
20 There are points when I wonder if he actually hates me , or if he 's not yet got beyond the level of contempt and indifference .
21 But would it have been different if Mrs Thatcher had had a spell on income support ? or if she had ever lugged a buggy , baby , toddler and bags of shopping on and off her infrequent , deregulated buses ?
22 I think that if they had just local lads to contend with there would be no problems .
23 Billy Johnson ( ‘ Look Forward in Anger ’ , 3 April , page 23 ) may have been ‘ fond of saying ’ that if they had n't induced his birth a day early he could have voted in the 1997 election , but then he would have been talking even more crap than the verbals Steve Platt so kindly recorded for us .
24 She says that if they had n't been woken they would both be dead .
25 He said that if they had not gained the upper hand then the old Völkisch parties would certainly have picked a fight with Poland .
26 Most temporary workers were fired as well as hired , and the implication is that if they had not been used the organisations concerned would have had to practise some other form of " hire and fire " strategy .
27 Ahmed Deedat told thousands of Muslims who filled the Albert Hall in central London that if they had only shown the non-Muslim majority that Mr Rushdie had grievously insulted the Queen , Margaret Thatcher and all white women in The Satanic Verses , then the author would have been condemned by all of society and the book banned .
28 Teachers are reminded that if they have not already submitted the numbers of all their class registers to the office they must do so at once .
29 th , th again , again you see the strength of this course is that if nobody had actually given you time like , you 'd have never known .
30 He then gave me a slight shock by lapsing into a brief sort of reverie , and saying that if one had ever felt like ‘ murdering someone ’ , one could never do anything about it .
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