Example sentences of "[conj] have [vb pp] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Having thus briefly examined the background against which the enormous post-war growth in higher education has taken place , we will now examine in detail those developments which have occurred in the three years that have elapsed since the first edition of this book appeared in 1979 .
2 Such fears are probably misconceived and in the years that have elapsed since the mergers took place there is no reason to believe that art education has suffered unduly at the hands of engineers and scientists in senior positions in the polytechnics .
3 New words and meanings that have emerged since the publication of the relevant parts of the Supplement need to be entered .
4 Following the pattern of local elections in France and Germany in the past few weeks , Italians have delivered a vote of no confidence in the parties that have governed since the war , notably the Christian Democrats .
5 Means of communication that have developed since the inception of the press in the 17th and 18th centuries — notably , television and radio — have tended to adapt these theories to suit their own special requirements .
6 Yes , yes , I mean this year , with the formula obviously , because the number of fire calls has dropped , it impacts upon er , as I say that , I do n't know whether the actual , the cost , the differential between the number of calls that have dropped and the drop in the S S A , whether it 's comparable , and I do n't suppose they 've got a measure of the drop , in S S A terms it 's far greater than the actual marginal costs of er , not attending those er , extra , extra fire calls .
7 He said this , in the thirty years that have passed since the previous Police Act became law , the old tripartite structure which consisted police authorities , chief constables and the Home Secretary , has provided an effective police service which can still truthfully be described as not only the best in the world , but also the envy of the world .
8 The breakthroughs in administrative law that have occurred since the war have concerned issues like the marketing of milk , the dismissal of a chief constable , and the allocation of foreign compensation .
9 We have recently had the good fortune to spend an afternoon with the present writer in residence , Joy Hendry , as our visiting speaker , and have savoured but a taste of the feast of enviable experience that she in particular , and others of similar calibre , must have afforded to those lucky enough to live in the Stirling area .
10 Many have thought this absurd and have concluded that the goal should be the increase of average happiness .
11 Rather ironically , given the ‘ note of condescension , almost of contempt , [ which ] characterises Dicey 's exposition of continental constitutions ’ , almost all studies undertaken of the French system of droit administratif have cast doubt on the superiority of the British approach and have concluded that the French system provides greater protections than our own .
12 The Oxford Archaeological Unit has stated the site to be of limited interest and have said that a full excavation would suffice to investigate it .
13 Alex Salmond , Margaret Ewing and Andrew Welsh , you can be sure , will have weighed up carefully the predictable uproar and have decided that the obtaining , with only three votes , of such a sensible and important concession for Scotland from the Government is , in fact , a considerable achievement .
14 Detectives say the young woman was left badly shaken after the assault and have warned that the incident might have become more serious if it had gone on any longer .
15 The strength of this argument is increasingly recognised , as the expertise of Central Authorities has grown ; some countries have chosen to use their Central Authorities as transmitting agents , although not required to do so by the Convention , and have discovered that the advantages outweigh any risk of slight delays caused by the extra agency involved within the state of origin .
16 It is only recently that feminists have come to realise how many other changes are needed if women are to share power with men and have recognised that the gender order must change , with men undertaking ‘ women 's work ’ as much as women entering the men 's public domain .
17 Structuralist Marxist writers , taking their lead from Antonio Gramsci , an Italian Marxist , have doubted this and have contended that the state may have a degree of autonomy from the interests of the ruling class .
18 Occasional springtime dust storms in the Fens are even invoked as an ominous example , although these are caused by the drying out of the peat soils and have occurred since the Fens were drained in the seventeenth century .
19 The major changes in their economic position which began in the late nineteenth century and have lasted until the present , essentially are responsible for creating the dependence of younger people which now appears such a natural part of human life .
20 If the staff of a school are required to ‘ do something about equal opportunities ’ and have read that a single-sex environment improves girls ' performance in mathematics and science , there may well be the belief that once they have reorganised their classes in this way , they have done all that is necessary .
21 Wakefield et al have shown a multifocal occlusive vasculitis in resected bowel affected by Crohn 's disease , and have shown that a high proportion of granulomas within the bowel wall directly involve damaged blood vessels .
22 In terms of social class , sociologists since the 1970s have successfully revealed the power and class interests behind the acceptance of school art or school music as meaning the classics rather than pop or photography , and have shown that the unquestioned valuation of abstractness , ‘ pure ’ knowledge and literacy in school ( in preference to immediacy , ‘ applied ’ knowledge and practicality ) acts to promote the interests and skills of the dominant elite .
23 In several experiments , scientists have undertaken the task of analysing the stools of those following high-fibre diets and have found that the calories excreted are measurably greater in number than the calories excreted by those on the normal , varied Western diets , rich in refined carbohydrate foods — or , indeed , on any other pattern of eating .
24 The Conservatives saw the meeting as a chance to improve relations with a foreign power and have claimed that the talks may have paved the way for a future visit to Darlington by a South African trade delegation .
25 We have publicly stated that we believe the Government should address this issue sooner rather than later and have suggested that a flexible approach to State pension age could be achieved with little additional cost to the State .
26 Some people have tried to explain away this miracle and have suggested that the crowd merely shared what food they had with them .
27 More recently , people have reversed the logic applied by Weiskrantz and Warrington and have suggested that the deficits in rats are really due to a memory loss ( Kesner and DiMattia 1987 ; Olton 1983 ) .
28 Katz and Kahn have since developed their ideas and have suggested that the reason why the most effective managers show consideration and understanding towards their subordinates is because they supple formal position in the organisation and appreciate that their employees :
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