Example sentences of "[conj] are [adv] [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 The cases where or are also similar in their path to full information , so we will examine these cases together .
2 A particular theoretical diagnosis of American urban crisis achieves a certain respectability and is assumed to generate policy templates that are universally useful in all post-industrial societies , as applicable in Newcastle as in New York .
3 Three Greek terms that are particularly involved in marriage are eros , phileo and agape .
4 Developing Community rules will make it possible to comply with requirements in such areas as company law , securities listing , and insider dealing , that are either uniform in the different member states , or at any rate are regarded as being equivalent , instead of complying with a variety of different rules in different member states .
5 Most people think of serving this delicacy with slices of ripe melon as a starter , but it also makes an excellent accompaniment to many of the exotic fruits that are widely available in greengrocers and supermarkets .
6 Many of them resent this country 's system of the 25 year lease , and would favour a more flexible approach — such as the break options that are widely available in the US and France but less common here .
7 Running a household successfully involves many of the basic management and administrative skills ; these and other personal skills that are equally useful in the workplace were discussed in Chapter 2 .
8 He feels that many people , both inside and outside the health service , are not aware of the sort of research funds that are already present in the NHS , and he would like to see these funds made more explicit .
9 It will not be as simple as that , but you will have got the idea : one of the most important aspects of the ‘ climate ’ in which a gene is favoured or disfavoured is the other genes that are already numerous in the population ; the other genes , therefore , with which it is likely to have to share bodies .
10 I can see developing in the mind strange and wonderful potentialities that are already discernible in rudimentary form .
11 It is now possible not only to make almost seamless composites of existing photographs and to alter images in such a way that the changes may not be detected , but — using mathematics instead of a camera — it is possible to create images that are nearly photographic in their realism .
12 Some of the types of modification that are most useful in distinguishing prey assemblages of living predators are obscured by these later modifications , and consequently some of these potentially useful modification categories have been omitted from consideration .
13 Experiment until you find the techniques that are most effective in allowing you to recall what you have studied .
14 It is those objects from distant days that are in some way in unexpected contrast to what we use today that are most effective in establishing in a reader 's mind the ambience of those times .
15 Given that the government must raise some tax revenue , the smallest amount of total waste will be achieved when the goods that are most inelastic in supply or demand are taxed most heavily .
16 Natural selection does favour those animals that are most successful in the competition for resources , but that does not mean it favours unrestrained aggression .
17 In moving towards a satisfying identification of some entity , the mind of a speaker will naturally tend to describe it initially by matching its roughly perceived whole against those properties that are most common in use and perceptually basic .
18 A more convincing explanation is that the industries that are most common in the EPZs , apparel and electronics assembly , are industries that employ many more women than men wherever they are ( see Nash and Fernandez-Kelly , 1983 , Part IV ; Mitter , 1986 ) .
19 Try using the same number and range of staff that are presently involved in giving nursing care , however it is organised .
20 Features that are intrinsically valuable in our national citizenship could be undermined if we are so uncertain about what they are in any case .
21 Four of these antibodies showed cross reactivity with cereals that are not toxic in coeliac disease .
22 The second is that comparisons between the brains of living mammals show that many of them contain specializations that are not present in our own brains .
23 Expression of the Hox-B1/lacZ transgene in r4 and r5 therefore co-localizes with two distinct groups of neuronal cells that are not present in r2 and r3 .
24 In chapter two we established that the most effective way of reducing the ambiguity produced by the pattern recogniser is by a lexical look-up which discards candidate strings that are not allowable in English .
25 The present-day sociolinguist , however , who is observing and exploring a ‘ new ’ language situation is in a close-up position ; he or she can observe the phenomena at successively finer levels of detail and thus reveal fine-grained patterns that are not accessible in historically attested states .
26 1979 , 1982 ) , not only do stags that hold large harems hold them for longer within particular breeding seasons than those which hold smaller harems ( Fig. 23. 1a ) , but individuals that are consistently successful in securing large harems throughout their lives tend to live longer than their less successful competitors ( Fig. 23.1b ) .
27 This definition of the sum invested has the advantage of producing returns that are roughly similar in size and dispersion to the returns on the underlying shares .
28 Another complicating factor is the large number of organisations that are inevitably involved in all the different aspects of rural development , although on the small scale of Lewis and Harris they would appear already to be somewhat better integrated than in many other places .
29 as if that were n't discomfort enough , you also have to make heroic efforts to stifle your giggles at the Old Fire Station , Oxford , for Miss Miles has a way of coming up with lines that are almost sublime in their ridiculousness .
30 By establishing a régime that promotes transparency , takeovers that are purely speculative in financing terms will be disclosed as such and investors will be able to make investment decisions on the best possible information .
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