Example sentences of "[conj] by [v-ing] [pers pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Social researchers , especially those who are not experienced programmers , find difficulty in using this package , although by using it they are able to carry out analyses which , using conventional packages , are almost impossible .
2 An actual baby had awakened the baby inside herself ; she wanted less to be a mother than to have a baby , so that by feeding him she could in some way nourish herself .
3 From the off he had me convinced that by helping him I was doing no more than carving out a new life for myself as a better citizen , a better human being .
4 They have n't cultivated the attitude that by serving you they 're doing you a favour .
5 I can answer that by telling you what happened to me during the Tencel plant opening at Mobile in December .
6 I hope that by telling you my personal experience it will help to save others .
7 It was once thought that tool users might have a more complex and sophisticated nervous system than other animals , and that by studying them we might find out something of significance about the human race itself .
8 And by constructing it you learn its properties if you like .
9 But she was an expert and by watching her I at least gained some confidence , enough to feel I could try it myself one day .
10 If he sees the price differing much from 36s. he expects that a change will come before long , and by anticipating it he helps it to come quickly . [ … ]
11 The matching or contrasting of tablecloths , napkins and window fabrics is always a pretty thing to do , and by changing them you change the mood effectively at little cost .
12 The various forms of religion in particular reveal the human spirit facing the ultimate questions about the meaning of existence , and by studying them our own understanding can be deepened and extended .
13 3 Do this through good grading of structures by arranging them in order of difficulty ( facilitation ) and by introducing them one at a time if possible .
14 It was almost as if by kissing her he released some of that pent-up fury which lay simmering inside him .
15 But by mentioning them I have perhaps been able to show that when theists talk of God as ‘ both far and near ’ , or as ‘ visible and unseen ’ , they are not guilty of a simple contradiction in terms .
16 But by pooling them we can find out whether women are fairly represented .
17 Secondly , if a horse is aggressive towards us , it is better to try and get the horse to accept the fact that we are the boss horse , not by punishing it , but by teaching it something .
18 Particularly as by taking it they have broken the conditions of their own contracts of service . ’
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