Example sentences of "[conj] at the time [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although at the time the Minister rejected this suggestion as unacceptable , the Government soon agreed to most of the MP 's suggestions .
2 The eccentric Cantona jetted hastily back to France after being dropped from the side at QPR , although at the time the club claimed he had been given permission .
3 1983 ) , although at the time the Medical Advisory Panel of the International Planned Parenthood Federation ( IPPF ) concluded that the evidence was insufficient to modify current medical practice .
4 ‘ It is quite in order , ’ he said , ‘ for a person to put assets into family trusts , or indeed give assets away to other parties , provided that at the time a person gives away his assets he is quite solvent . ’
5 An inquest jury in Middlesbrough heard that at the time a module had been loaded onto a large barge ready to go out to sea .
6 The services were cut so drastically that at the time no one in their right mind would have forecast that they would become so bad .
7 Voluntary settlements ( in particular family settlements made after marriage ) are set aside by a bankruptcy if made within two years before ; and even if made within ten years before , unless it is shown that at the time the bankrupt was able to meet his liabilities without the settled property .
8 This certainly seems to be true if we consider that at the time the activity ( such as using a book ) takes place , the person concerned is certainly doing it in preference to doing anything else .
9 It was symptomatic of the British approach to the whole question that at the time the Act took effect no one knew , even to an approximation , how many data users were going to be required to register .
10 Not surprisingly , it was this rule on which the Revenue rested its argument that the taxpayer should be taxed on the full amount of the benefit , even though it was aware that at the time the 1976 Finance Bill was being debated , the then Financial Secretary to the Treasury , Robert Sheldon , expressly stated that the benefit of a school place given at concessionary rates to the child of a teacher at that school would be ‘ assessed on the cost to the employer , which would be very small indeed in this case ’ .
11 My memory is n't what it was ; but I do remember that at the time the aircraft was considered the fastest in the Middle East .
12 Further , there is no evidence that at the time the debtor would have qualified financially for legal aid .
13 The period within which the charge is vulnerable is two years after its creation and there is no need to show that at the time the charge was created the company was insolvent .
14 It was held ( a ) that it was a statement of present fact , namely that at the time the letter was sent the traveller had a definite and certain booking , ( b ) that that statement was false because the airline 's overbooking policy meant that the traveller 's booking was exposed to a risk that it might not give a seat on the aircraft , and ( c ) that the airline made the false statement knowingly ( and not merely recklessly ) since the airline was well aware of its own overbooking policy .
15 Care is needed to ensure that at the time the group dividend is paid : ( a ) no " arrangements " or " option arrangements " exist whereby the parent company could cease to be beneficially entitled to more than 50% of both profits for distribution and assets on a winding up available to " equity holders " of Target ( see Sch 18 Taxes Act ) ; and ( b ) Target is beneficially owned by its parent when the dividend is declared and paid .
16 And in fact er we said that at the time the white paper was published .
17 In 1956 , the Glasgow Archaeological Society celebrated its centenary , and at the time a new fort at Bishopton , discovered from the air , was being investigated .
18 Until 1969 the Post Office was a department of government and at the time the telephone network was part of the Post Office .
19 In other words , when the disaster came , it was the big animals that were most vulnerable , and at the time the big animals were all , as it happened , dinosaurs .
20 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
21 A special problem may arise if at the time the decision is made the patient has been subjected to the influence of some third party .
22 If at the time the issue arises the patient still has capacity to decide , they can not only explore the scope of his decision with the patient , but can seek to persuade him to alter that decision .
23 If at the time the contract is made , the goods are ascertained ( i.e. identified and agreed upon ) , then the contract is one for the sale of specific goods .
24 Neither will the contract be avoided or frustrated if at the time the goods perish , property has already passed to the buyer .
25 said ‘ I am not at present persuaded , however , that the condition in section 14(2) is excluded if at the time the contract is made the buyer is reasonably of the opinion that the defect can be , and will be , rectified at no cost to himself . ’
26 Interest paid under a mortgage is allowable for tax relief if at the time the interest is paid : ( i ) the loan was taken out to purchase property in the UK ; and ( ii ) the person claiming the relief owed an interest in the property and uses it " wholly or to a substantial extent " as his or her only or main residence ( Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 , ss354 and 355 as amended by Finance Act 1988 , s44(1) ) .
27 It is difficult to appreciate it now in the liberated 80's , but at the time the worst thing an unmarried girl could do was get pregnant , and the worst news a mother could hear from her daughter was , ‘ I 'm going to have a baby ! ’
28 With the advantage of hindsight , we can take stock of the position at this point , but at the time the Colonel had only runners to keep him in touch with his headquarters and forward Troops , whose wirelesses had been knocked out .
29 Membership of the Founders ' Trust had changed frequently in the quest to find more women , working-class people and blacks , but at the time the prospectus was issued the original five Founders — Lowe , Walsh , Cooper , Sadgrove and Power — had been joined by a mixture of others .
30 At this distance , we may find Balboa 's antics in the surf laughably pretentious ; but at the time the sighting of the Mar del Sur , as he felt compelled to christen the new sea , was a formidable discovery indeed : the implications of its swift and secure passage into the hands of Spain were profound in the extreme .
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