Example sentences of "[conj] at the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 That is because it is an area where Marx and Engels , misled by Morgan , went most wrong , yet where at the same time they made the best use of anthropology .
2 A widespread factor is found where real or suggested expertise is involved in a transaction and where at the same time it may be assumed that the customer is ignorant about what it is he is paying for .
3 When she had stopped the car and climbed out , she wondered for a moment whether she had come on the wrong day or at the wrong time , though she was sure she had not .
4 Moreover , the two aspects of the debate were not always synchronised in the same people or at the same time .
5 It is vital for the young cuckoo to hatch either before , or at the same time as , its nest mates .
6 Thus a man who could have done all sorts of good things is rendered useless ; and the same sort of outcome could follow in a case involving not one but two men , or a hundred or more , or even a whole branch of a family ( progenies ) or at the same time a whole province — if you 're not very careful ! " ( c. 31 )
7 Computers , especially microcomputers and terminals with monitors , have been claimed to be harmful to the health of the operator because of radioactive emissions although at the present time there does not appear to be any conclusive proof that a real danger to health exists .
8 In relation to Europe and 1992 , it is expected that there will be substantial growth in many markets ( particularly Spain ) , although at the present time EC rules and regulations on pensions are still being liberalised .
9 ‘ The role is very powerful , although at the same time Lola is very sensitive .
10 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
11 Something might be true although at the same time harmful and dangerous in the highest degree ; indeed it could pertain to the fundamental nature of existence that a complete knowledge of it might destroy one — so that the strength of a spirit could be measured by how much ‘ truth ’ it could take , more clearly , to what degree it needed it attenuated , veiled , sweetened , blunted and falsified .
12 Servants too ought to be diligent and refrain from gaming and other dissolute pursuits , although at the same time they were fully entitled to ‘ competent wages and clothing with trew payments of the same ’ .
13 This argument , which Foucault derives from Deleuze , although at the same time he tellingly invokes Sartre 's theoretical formulation designed to solve exactly the same problem , provides a way of avoiding the incommensurability of the relation of the event to the concept by allowing ‘ the disjunctive affirmation of both ’ — thus solving the problem that the concept , as a part of the language of generality , will inevitably travesty the event 's singularity :
14 He encouraged Hoare to give a strong lead at Geneva ( although at the same time telling hint : ‘ keep us out of war ; we are not ready for it ’ ) , and ruminating , again at Aix , moved increasingly towards an autumn election .
15 This authorization made provision for the removal of one large , identifiable group of surrendered personnel from 5 Corps responsibility , although at the same time Robertson instructed that " steps should be taken to ensure that Allied PW held in Russian area are transferred to us in exchange " .
16 In a rare survey of local residents ' attitudes , the Kariels ( 1982 ) have found that in spite of the many negative aspects often ascribed to tourism , the overall evaluation of local inhabitants was strongly positive , although at the same time they wanted the landscape to retain its traditional character and felt that family life had been weakened by tourism .
17 Rosalind Krauss has observed that this principle of textual reproducibility was prevalent , although at the same time given ideological denial , in modernism , itself .
18 It also recommends that excavations be coordinated at a national level , albeit at the same time as more powers are devolved to the regions , this decentralisation freeing the CSRS of its administrative and financial role and giving it the freedom to concentrate on scholarly matters , with — and this is a novelty — systematic recourse to the advice of outside experts .
19 ‘ We will tackle that at the appropriate time , ’ said Aycliffe , adroitly side-stepping this issue .
20 I think it true to say that at the present time it is not at all difficult for academics to appear in print .
21 Yet it is inevitable that at the present time of confusion and reform we ask why we should be dependent upon these two great blocks of examinations , at these two particular points in a student 's school career .
22 Personalities apart , it is convenient that at the present time the following Departments should also be represented in the Cabinet — Home Office , Ministry of Labour and Board of Trade .
23 It is thus clear on the basis of all these authorities that at the present time universities can create a jurisdiction for the visitor which excludes the concurrent and appellate jurisdiction of the courts .
24 The evidence is that at the present time there is a serious lack of resources to care adequately for the number of sufferers living in ordinary housing , and that this mismatch between numbers and resources is likely to increase at least to the end of the century .
25 Although I consider that at the relevant time Lautro 's Rules , and thus its procedure , were defective in the respects I have outlined , for the reasons I have given I conclude that Lautro were not required by law to afford to Winchester the opportunity to make representations as to why an intervention notice should not be served before deciding whether or not to serve such a notice .
26 Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. has set out the medical evidence available to us and , in my view , on that evidence it would not have surprised me if there had been a finding that at the relevant time on 5 July , suffering as she was from considerable and continuing pain in her chest , coughing up sputum , on various drugs designed to alleviate pain and to act as sedatives and during the evening suffering contractions in the first stage of labour , she was not in any event fit to make a decision .
27 Rather , our results imply that at the preheadfold time of treatment ( 7.5d.p.c. ) , a certain degree of regional variation has already been specified at the level of rhombomere pairs ; retinoic acid is unable to override the specification choice of an odd- or even-numbered character .
28 Something inside me stretched as I walked so that at the same time I was walking on the top of those hills .
29 My one proviso is that at the same time , Hadrian 's Wall should be repaired , extended fully , and provided with one single opening through which all scots at present in the south should be shepherded to the north , whereupon the opening should be smartly bricked up before they have the chance to get back .
30 Nothing , he found , was more effective — as he tried to devise an inner world that at the same time avoided the black hole of dejection — than work , solitary work , work in which one was gladly buried .
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