Example sentences of "[conj] he could get to " in BNC.

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1 Jimmy saw him coming through blurred vision and wished that he could get to his feet , but he could n't move .
2 His secret ambition was for the Argentine ban to be lifted so he could get to England and avenge Pedro 's death by taking out the English and especially one poker-faced Guards Officer .
3 He cadged fivers off various old school friends and workmates to tide him over until he could get to the bank .
4 He slapped at it with his other hand , but it was beneath his thumbnail before he could get to it .
5 Before he could get to the specimen , its entrails had decomposed so badly that they had to be thrown away , so it was a gutted specimen that he eventually saw .
6 Bad as were the irregularities of the Freeholders ' elections , the irregularities in the burghs were , if anything , worse , one of the reasons being that while the county representative needed only one election meeting to be appointed , the burgh representative had to be successful in two elections before he could get to Westminster .
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