Example sentences of "[conj] he had [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He let me go , and I massaged my arm instead , where he had gripped me .
2 The girls were still there , standing where he had seen them earlier .
3 She belongs , surely , where he had seen her a thousand times as he came out of Happy Homes , just above the end pinnacle of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel .
4 where he had struck his face in falling ,
5 She could still feel the impression of Ven 's mouth , warm where he had kissed her , where that super , terrific mouth had actually touched her skin .
6 Gazzer 's crawling hand found the knife , where he had hoped it would be , on the seat beside Simon .
7 All true , we found — Hugh will bear me out — the branch lying where he had cast it aside .
8 She was painfully aware of her body still throbbing where he had touched her , and she clasped her arms across her breasts tightly .
9 Where he had touched her her scalp was prickling like a porcupine .
10 He had fought with Pearse in the GPO in 1916 , where he had acquitted himself honourably , and he had risen swiftly through the ranks .
11 Did not tradition relate how Saint James had three times attempted to ascend Massis , and on the third occasion been told by an angel that it was forbidden , but that the angel had given him a plank of wood from the Ark , and there where he had received it was founded the monastery of Saint James ?
12 A thin red snake of blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth ; his chest was an open , bubbling mass of blood where he had received his death wound .
13 Susan could n't think of a film where he had made it alive to the end credits .
14 To photograph the house for the news last night the cameraman must have stood just where he had stood himself , on the edge of the lawn with his back to the cedar tree .
15 Orwell , unlike Waugh , was never a natural master of narrative , and his uncertain career in fiction had begun , after much trial and error , with Burmese Days ( 1934 ) , where he had exploited his youthful experiences in the Burma police .
16 One story of how a local university academic had come into the police station to report his car missing , because he had forgotten where he had parked it , was repeated with relish ; while another which I told on my return from university satisfied these deeply held views of the ‘ intellectual 's ’ practical ineptitude :
17 Bernard was by now a junior lecturer in the same college where he had taken his degree .
18 I was surprised , therefore , to read ( in All Across the Telegraph : a Bob Dylan handbook edited by Michael Gray and John Bauldie , published by Futura ) an essay about the real William Zantzinger ( as it ought to be spelled ) who committed the murder in 1963 and as of 1984 was a respected and prosperous businessman in the same state , Maryland , where he had committed it .
19 His bow was lying just where he had laid it ; Marian 's was broken at the foot of the tree , someone had trodden on it .
20 They saw his body in the moat , where he had thrown himself to escape the mob .
21 He had a soft face and a long white beard with red , yellow and blue bits at the end where he had dipped it in strange chemicals by mistake .
22 The books were lying on the bed , where he had left them .
23 She was no longer safely where he had left her and waiting for his return .
24 But just as he had used her agoraphobia as a defence against having to know about his need to find her safely where he had left her , so too did her lack of sexual response defend him from knowing about his need to keep her under his control .
25 She stood where he had left her , gazing into the flames .
26 Christine was standing where he had left her .
27 For a moment Theda stood where he had left her , hardly aware that he had gone .
28 In fact , she was still lying where he had left her , in shock , bruised , wounded , and still trying to take it in when some minutes later , in the still of the night , she heard the outer door of the hotel suite close .
29 Rumour had it that although he made his home in an unoccupied derelict house near the CPR docks , he was really very wealthy , having buried his family fortune long ago and quite forgotten where he had left it .
30 Apart from the light from Craig 's torch , still propped where he had left it against the main power conduits , the chamber was dark and empty .
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