Example sentences of "[conj] he had [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Where he had formerly regarded British devaluation or a retreat from East of Suez as totally contrary to American interests , he now believed that the damage to those interests would be tolerable if the British — by their own choice — embarked upon a long-term and systematic attempt to put their economy to rights .
2 Apart from the HMV shop in Oxford Street , London ( 1939 ) , and the temporary Soleil pavilion at the Paris 1937 exhibition , Emberton 's other main work is the circular casino at the Blackpool Pleasure Beach , Lancashire ( 1939 ) , where he had already designed the fun house and grand national ( 1935 ) , showing the adaptability of modernism to popular entertainment .
3 It arose because of my meeting George Wigg in the army , whom I had encountered when I was based at Southern Command headquarters and he was at the same headquarters as a Lieutenant-Colonel in charge of army education , where he had already established a reputation for ruthless eccentricity .
4 Now after twelve years as convener at the huge Merseyside plant where he had effectively established shop-floor control after a long and bitter struggle , he had been thrown out by his own union members .
5 Adam had only picked the car up three days earlier from his boss at the Congleton , Cheshire , firm where he had just started work .
6 There are other images , too : he mentions the " ailanthus " , one of which stood in the yard of the Mary Institute where he had once played , and the " briar rose " by his father 's house in Gloucester ; in addition , he employs words like " rote " or " groaner " which he had heard as a child in New England .
7 It turned out that the encomium had little to do with these epics , but for his generous economic support of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute , where he had once worked as a lowly attendant .
8 The large statue of Chairman Mao which had dominated the quadrant outside the library , where he had once worked in his youth , suddenly ‘ disappeared ’ .
9 Özal returned on Oct. 1 from an eight-day tour of the United States , where he had formally proposed , at a meeting with President Bush on Sept. 25 , the conclusion of a free trade agreement .
10 In Georgia Buchanan came very close to the 37 per cent which he had scored in New Hampshire , whilst in Colorado and Maryland , where he had hardly campaigned , he won 30 per cent .
11 Where he had timidly knocked , Pat had climbed in .
12 He finished his coffee and took the Underground back to his studio apartment in Beaufort Street , Chelsea , where he had prudently stored photocopies of the evidence he had brought out of Jeddah .
13 Either he left when he discovered the pregnancy , or he had already gone , or the relationship had broken up in the first year or two after having the baby , when he had been unwilling or unable to settle down and take the responsibility .
14 Either the Führer 's statement , the report went on , meant that he had allowed himself to be badly deceived and was not , therefore , the genius he was always alleged to be ; or he had intentionally lied to the people about rising war production , knowing all the time that saboteurs were at work .
15 A person would only be liable as a constructive trustee of money he had received in payment of a commercial liability , and which had already passed through his hands , if it was possible to show that he knew that the money was misapplied trust money because he had actual knowledge of the breach of trust or he had wilfully shut his eyes to the obvious or had wilfully or recklessly failed to make inquiries that an honest and reasonable man would have made .
16 " What does she do now/@ he asked , although he had already guessed the answer .
17 Although he had already sent on Ian Wright for back injury victim Les Ferdinand , the rules of the competition still allowed for a third outfield substitution .
18 Although he had already recorded enough material to allow six albums ( never mind dozens of songs on singles ) to be released , only two of those albums , ‘ Soul Revolution ’ and ‘ Soul Rebels ’ , were recorded specifically with the intention of album release .
19 William was excommunicated in 1619 and Jacob in 1634 , although he had already refused to kneel at communion in 1627 .
20 Who Is Harry Kellerman … ? was only Grosbard 's second film as director , although he had previously assisted Elia Kazan , Robert Wise , Robert Rossen and Sidney Lumet .
21 Although he had previously enjoyed support from Komeito and the DSP in addition to his own party , in December 1990 the Komeito chairman , Koshiro Ishida , had questioned the wisdom of a candidate of such " advanced age " .
22 The Viscount nodded , although he had scarcely heard what was said , registering it somewhere at the back of his mind .
23 Koffigoh was reportedly taken by his captors to meet President Gnassingbe Eyadema ; Eyadema , who had been stripped of his executive powers by the national conference , condemned the attack , although he had repeatedly supported the military 's demands for a change of government .
24 When we said we could not recall the SoS intervening to revise county estimates of population growth downwards ( although he had just intervened to revise Gwynedd 's upwards ) we were told that of course Mr Hunt shares the counties ' desire for growth and expansion .
25 Are you leaving me already ! ’ he said , seeming surprised , although he had just told me to go , ‘ and so coldly ? ’
26 Although he had also established a particular reputation as a hospital specialist at his large cross-plan mental institutions at Perth ( 1822 ) and the excellent Crichton Royal , Dumfries ( 1834 ) , Burn , by his own choice , virtually closed his career as an architect of public and business buildings by 1840 .
27 Although he had deliberately distanced himself from the government since being ‘ sacked ’ as prime minister nearly two years ago and although he personally remained untainted by the multiple scandals which have beset the Socialist Party , he found himself caught up in the great tidal wave of rejection of the Socialists , which has swept the country .
28 The resignation of Julián García Valverde , the Minister of Health , was announced on Jan. 14 , although he had actually offered his resignation three days earlier .
29 Although he had once thought about going on stage he has opted instead for directing .
30 The Shah acknowledged to Hollingworth that he had perhaps become too remote from his people and that is courtiers had not always reported adverse criticisms to him , And he said that although he had earlier hoped that his stay abroad would be brief , he knew now that he would die in exile .
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