Example sentences of "[conj] he had [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had something of the solitary about him , something of the dreamer , although he had none of the dreamer 's physical clumsiness .
2 hinting that he had plenty in the bank .
3 She had the impression that he had something on his mind and was uncertain whether or not he should speak of it .
4 ‘ Well — just for a little while , then , ’ he said , relenting — and perhaps enjoying the fact that he had something to relent about , was in command of the situation .
5 Blanche noticed he was not rubbing his hands together : a sure sign that he had something of significance to impart .
6 He turned to look at Myeloski , peering urgently out of the window as the traffic stacked up and made movement impossible , and knew that he had nothing in common with these people , nothing that could be shared because of his blood .
7 That he had it in mind to adopt a child .
8 It was not so much that he had anything against people in general , more that he saw no purpose in deliberately setting up occasions on which you stood around trying to think of something to say .
9 When he was king he was normally accompanied by the clerks of the royal chapel so he had plenty of opportunities to indulge in the pleasures of ritual .
10 So he wanted more life cover , but he obviously on his old plan could n't sustain that to the same period of time , so he had it for a shorter period of time , the ten years , and when it dropped , he dropped down again .
11 I think once he had one off me on his neck and erm
12 He had recognized the voice and he had her in focus now .
13 A man like Luke had no need to force his attentions on unwilling women — and he had nothing at all in common with her ex-fiancé .
14 She had it from your ex-special p. , and he had it from his father .
15 Dad , dad used to use it for the bonfires but when he , when he did n't have any petrol he used to use it on the bonfire and he had it in a secret bottle and erm he got it too near and he did n't realize and all of a sudden it goes really really hot and he threw it and everywhere .
16 Franz Klammer made a skiing simulator and he had it in his garage , and what it was was a series of rolling logs .
17 I suppose we 've been rivals in the past , when I had my column on the Daily Mail and he had his on the Daily Express , but we 've been rivals in the friendliest of terms .
18 It was like he had something on his mind the whole time . ’
19 as if he had something on his mind .
20 She looked at him thoughtfully , wondering if he had something on his mind .
21 And you had to get , get a bit of paper and you drew a straight line , straight line , see like that , and if he had two white legs you put a cross , two white see , if he had a long one , he had put a big cross , if he had a long , two long white leg , if he had me behind you put a cross .
22 The employees were occasionally terrified of Bernard ‘ as if he had one over him , ’ as they described it , but they all knew that however much he might stamp and shout while the anger lasted , he could go for a walk and come back as if nothing had happened .
23 For , ‘ He could , if he had one in stock for your make of car , ’ he replied .
24 At about that time , Ken asked Codron if he had anything for him .
25 But he he did n't half make money cos he had nothing before that .
26 I think it was the old Gladding Masters match , he did n't win it ( Pete Palmer did ) , but he had plenty of big names behind him ( I think the editor might have been one of them ) and showed why he must have been greatly feared in his prime .
27 But he had plenty of admirers — and , after all , Shelley Cameron was only one fan .
28 But he had her between a rock and a hard place , and the look in his eyes told her only too clearly that he knew it .
29 But he had her in his arms now , moulding her firmly to the length of his hard , muscular body .
30 No I thought , cos I , I remember reading erm I think it 's her father who owns one of the bookshops in Woodbridge and he had this book on display , you know he sort of erm advertised it if you like and it 's , it 's properly published and everything but he had it as a a book available in his store and there was an advert in the Anglian about it , and I remember reading that she said er that he said er cos it was his daughter who had the child , that it totally knocked them for six .
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