Example sentences of "[conj] he might [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How long ago it seemed since Sergeant Huzzi Rork had told Lexandro that he might return home again in twenty years , in thirty years , if the Fists so wished .
2 Bush faced increasing pressure from within the Republican Party to revitalize his lacklustre campaign , and there were even suggestions that he might stand aside in favour of a more dynamic Republican candidate .
3 Hope was trembling and afraid that he might give too much away .
4 I believed that he might bring forward such an amendment , but he has not done so .
5 He joked to Philippa that he might react as badly as the sting victim on the TV show two weeks earlier .
6 Another recently asked my advice about the finer points of his own computer program so that he might catalogue more accurately his card collection , so vast had it become ( if any one has a mint Drummahoe No 1 , he would be most indebted ) .
7 was that he might look straight at her and not even know her .
8 It is why I asked that he might attend here .
9 You know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins .
10 Aware that he might have only one chance , and uncertain whether his support was sufficiently strong to withstand accusations of breaking his word and of disloyalty , he kept his options open by writing a public letter to his constituency party association ( a traditional device for signalling dissent ) in which he was highly critical of Mrs Thatcher 's leadership style and her stance on Europe .
11 him , and you were afraid yourself that he might come here and demand his parents ’ address from you .
12 He had come alone deliberately in the hope that he might get farther with Maurice Glynn by keeping the interview in a low key .
13 It had not occurred to him that he might seem rather out of place in his present dress .
14 If Norman Lamont keeps the job of Chancellor ( and he might do so only because of the shortlist of alternative candidates is embarrassingly short ) he may decide to delay the next cut in interest rates for long enough to convince the markets that he is serious about wanting to move sterling into narrow bands in the European exchange rate mechanism at its middle rate of Dm2.95 .
15 He felt that the forces that had brought him to this narrow corner of a Neapolitan street — the wish , on the one hand , to track down Elsie and now the fear , on the other , that this search would lead him to harm — these forces might hold him there , his foot on the edge of the pavement overhanging the choked and filthy gutter , in a kind of uneasy equilibrium and he might stay there for a long , long time .
16 Until then he 'd been expecting Blagg , and he might know exactly what he 'd left . ’
17 but , but , you know if say well look , you know , we could do with twenty five and he turns round and he might say well you know , yo he might say no
18 Sometimes he looked round the Park to see if he might move somewhere else but he did not like to start a flight with so many Men staring at him all at once .
19 Hearing that Peggy van Praagh was going to the south of France with a friend and had a spare seat in her car , he asked if he might come too .
20 No cos he might say tomorrow .
21 But he might get there first .
22 Manningham had said he was n't for sale , but he might consider double the figure offered .
23 But he might have differently had he known Gilbert Kaplan .
24 Our artist 's impression of Lucan as he might look today
25 Wycliffe 's pipe was drawing nicely and he sat relaxed , as though he might stay indefinitely .
26 One of the difficulties is that the Angolan understanding of the agreement reached in June was that Mr Savimbi should not remain in Angola while elections are held , though he might return later .
27 Edward now wore the manic look of some animal transferred into the wrong environment , as though he might run amok , or bite .
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