Example sentences of "[conj] he should be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nope — except he should be clearing up his own puddles .
2 So far as boilerplate conditions are concerned , the draftsman can add these to the extent that they seem appropriate and necessary , although he should be sparing given that the aim of the exercise is to produce a relatively short set of commercially acceptable terms and conditions .
3 When further penalties were proposed Secretary John Thurloe [ q.v. ] , for political ( and perhaps personal ) reasons , spoke up for him , pressing — ironically in view of Boteler 's attitude in the Nayler trial — that he should be heard before sentence .
4 He made little attempt at conversation and showed no surprise that he should be asked to drive to Boulogne in the middle of the afternoon to pick up a well-dressed but grubby Englishman .
5 It was agreed that he should be asked to join the Group as from the next meeting .
6 However , Mr Kagan having been invited , courtesy demanded that he should be received as a guest ought to be received .
7 If you make him feel that he should be getting dressed , and he tries to do so before he is ready , in rehabilitation terms , he will certainly increase his spasticity and make himself even less capable of learning the movements .
8 Mr Davies did not contest an application by the aggrieved client , Mr Parsons , that he should be struck off the roll of solicitors following the reduction on taxation of a grossly inflated and inaccurate litigation bill from £197,000 to £67,000 .
9 These expressions may constitute either a promise , by which the maker of the statement intends that he should be bound , or a representation which is not intended to operate as a promise but is made with the intention and does have the effect of persuading the other party to enter into the contract .
10 The connection was especially good , almost as if they were face to face , and Zen found himself resentful that he should be deprived of the usual screen of interference on an occasion when he could find nothing to say .
11 In the second case the applicant , also a barrister of Lincoln 's Inn , was found guilty of professional misconduct by a disciplinary tribunal of the Council of the Inns of Court , which directed that he should be disbarred .
12 In the 1965 Stormont general election Claude Wilton of the Ulster Liberal Party had polled 47 per cent , and some members of the NILP thought that he should be given a clear run in the 1968 by-election , in the hope of defeating the Unionist candidate .
13 In 1790 , when the county of Cromarty was being contested , one of the freeholders serving in the army demanded , as the price of his support for the candidate favoured by Henry Dundas , that he should be given a company in a regiment stationed in Britain .
14 This may in certain cases require not only that the applicant be informed of the evidence , but that he should be given a sufficient opportunity to deal with it .
15 If someone is to be tried for matters as serious as those for which Mr. Beck was tried and to receive the condign punishment that Mr. Beck received , it is essential that he should have a fair trial and that he should be given every opportunity to deploy his defence .
16 What matters most to the child is that he should be treated consistently .
17 Members hope to convince Mr Milburn that he should be targeting criminals who find it easier than ever to get hold of an unlicensed firearm .
18 A few others like Raoul , Pierre and Donna , left discreetly , until Nell , counting heads , could match all paying passengers with a place , Giles-the-murderer , I was interested to see , was still in the dining room , still being overpoweringly nice : it £as apparently essential to the drama that he should be liked .
19 Probably he was going to ask for help in obtaining a pardon for Sidacai , and Alexei thought about telling him that it was Burun 's intent that he should be freed .
20 He thought it was the will of God that he should be called to suffer .
21 It was inevitable that he should be nicknamed ‘ the Ferret ’ , although seldom in his hearing .
22 But the company 's rotation policy dictated that he should be moved ‘ rather abruptly ’ into the wages department , where he played a role in setting and negotiating piece rates .
23 The price intellectuals pay is that they are dependent on the government for both professional and financial recognition , since ‘ the most important definition of an intellectual is that he should be recognised by the government as such ’ ( Riding : 1986 , p. 428 ) .
24 However that may be , it is essential that he should be served promptly so that he is able to consider whether he should exercise his right of appeal .
25 I consider that this must also hold good for the right of establishment : in order for a national of a member state to be eligible to be regarded as exercising his right of establishment in another member state , it is not enough that he should be operating a fishing vessel registered in that state ; in addition , his activity must have other links with the territory of that State .
26 In the first week of February , while Dowding was at the World Economic Forum at Davos , Switzerland [ see p. 37268 ] , influential members of the state ALP apparently decided that he should be replaced by Lawrence , then State Education and Aboriginal Affairs Minister .
27 He helped to make laws , though it never really occurred to him that he should be governed by them .
28 A second suggestion made by the guardian ad litem is that he should be re-appointed on the question of contact between the child and the mother , and that the court should adjourn that question so that there would be a continuing issue relating to contact and the guardian ad litem could make an application for contact to be brought to an end if he felt that the rehabilitation process was failing .
29 Lord Simon of Glaisdale has written : ‘ In 1951 Sir Winston [ Churchill ] particularly wanted [ Sir Walter Monckton ] in the unenviable post of Minister of Labour , and ( presumably by way of compensation ) undertook in writing that he should be appointed Lord Chief Justice on the next vacancy . ’
30 About the year 944/1537–8 , the two kazaskers , Ebussu'ud Efendi and Civizade , the latter a teacher of Molla Bostan 's , spoke well of him in the presence of Sultan Suleyman ; and as a result of their intercession , and of the sultan 's interest in a monograph that Molla Bostan had recently written , it was decreed that he should be appointed to a medrese .
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