Example sentences of "[conj] he is [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Even the one who has betrayed the light sooner or later is forced to come back to the centre of stability , where he is raised once more into the understanding of clarity and purity of thought and action .
2 So why is this international superstar of the scrummage , who I agree is a household name and all that ( although he is known even in the next village as either Whatsit ? or Thingymabob ) , suddenly being advised he has the ( to coin a phrase ) clout and muscle to alter the long-established formulas and ethics of sports journalism ?
3 So why is this internationalsuperstar of the scrummage , who I agree is a household name and all that ( although he is known even in the next village as either Whatsit ? or Thingymabob ) , suddenly being advised he has the ( to coin a phrase ) clout and muscle to alter the long-established formulas and ethics of sports journalism ?
4 ( 5 ) Where a solicitor or licensed conveyancer , or an agent or employee of a solicitor or licensed conveyancer , in the course of or in connection with a transaction involving the disposition or creation of an interest in land , purports to deliver an instrument as a deed on behalf of a party to the instrument , it shall be conclusively presumed in favour of a purchaser that he is authorised so to deliver the instrument .
5 He says that somebody who experiences the fire of love will find that he is affected physically : he may find that he develops a stammer and is unable to speak quickly or clearly any more and that his whole body has slowed down : a job that once took half an hour will now take a whole morning .
6 A provision in an executive director 's service agreement which gives him the right to leave the company with a generous financial package , either in the event that he is dismissed prematurely or because a defined event occurs ( eg a takeover ) which entitles him to be paid a pre-agreed sum .
7 That he is ranked only No 4 in the world at the moment is due to the eccentricity of the system .
8 Ask that he is released immediately .
9 He feels that he is cured now and stops testing .
10 It is imperative that he is caught very , very quickly .
11 There is little wonder that he is remembered still in Australia , his adopted land .
12 On 19 October 1550 he was granted letters of denization and he is listed thereafter in various City parishes , the last being St Bride 's in the ward of Faringdon Without , where he was described in 1571 as ‘ Haunce , pictorer , a denizen , borne in Anwarpe , came into the realm about xxviii yeres past , Douch ’ .
13 ‘ I am his mother , ’ she said , in a quiet voice , ‘ and he is excused today 's last-period chemistry to attend a Christian service. ,
14 ‘ Oh Lord , look down upon this sinful child in his wickedness and lead him from his evil ways into righteousness If he is tempted again , remind him of the pains of Thy Hell , the torment and burning , so that he may quiver in his wretched flesh and repent in his immortal soul …
15 If he is handled correctly and not overworked he should be one of the world 's fastest and best bowlers for another six or seven years . ’
16 I wonder if he is seen too ?
17 We have offered to help if he is brought here .
18 growth is not shared by all commentators and that if he is proved wrong these figures will be shot to pieces ?
19 ‘ This , ’ complained Wedderburn , ‘ gives him vast uneasiness , for if he is ordered abroad before he gets his Post he dispairs of it for some time . ’
20 If the defendant 's address can be proved , but he is denied there , an order for substituted service " by first class prepaid post in a plain white or blue ( but not buff ) handwritten envelope on which is to be affixed an ordinary postage stamp " may be sought , and some district judges are familiar with an order in these terms knowing of the antipathy to buff envelopes when received by some defendants , particularly debtors .
21 Pelops wins because he is given even swifter horses by his lover Poseidon ; Oenomaus 's death is barely alluded to ; Myrtilos not at all .
22 Now he 's there it should almost be like a holiday because he is required only to do what he is good at — getting tight on the opposition and setting up England 's creative players .
23 He can raise the issue by voicing his own increasing doubts about the achievability of the goal and can check very quickly whether he is trampled underfoot in the rush to agree , or scoffed at for his lack of understanding .
24 When he is beaten then he will be a zek , and that is the way of them all , all eight hundred in the compound .
25 When he is perched precariously on a sandbag at the time , however , you could just about get away with charging extra .
26 The ideal thing to do in such a situation is to praise the dog lavishly when he is caught even though deep in your heart you would like to strangle him !
27 As he is dragged away by men in white coats to the Gerry Marsden Home For The Incurably Sad And Pathetic , sexy Simes appeals one last time to the kids — ‘ Do you lot think a rock 'n' roll band can ever change anything ? ’
28 It is also a coincidence here that Pip 's one unselfish use of his good fortune is the only source of future blessing to him , as he is employed too by this same company .
29 END OF THE ROAD : It was Fun while it lasted — but now it 's all over for downcast David Mellor as he is driven away from Westminster after announcing his resignation
30 ‘ Jacki ’ , as he is known affectionately in Scotland , will lead Poland 's attack against England in Chorzow on Wednesday , and , having already given Terry Butcher an anxious time in the Old Firm match in August , he can approach next week 's game without the pressure of having something to prove .
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