Example sentences of "[conj] he [is] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway erm so erm you sometimes also find with family situations , let's suppose in some situations you have some you have a daughter in the household who 's being abused by say the father or step-father , maybe if there 's a brother once he gets old enough to start becoming interested in sex , in some cases , although he 's round about the same age as his sister , can be um as it were inducted into the into the cycle of abuse erm can actually start participating when the dynamic 's already there .
2 I felt slightly uneasy with the direction he took in his last book , Under Siege , in which Coonts ' hero Jake Grafton forsook the jet fuel , grease and steam-slick decks of nuclear carriers for the even more treacherous corridors of the Pentagon , and The Cannibal Queen has n't reassured me that he 's back on track .
3 She does n't even know yet that he 's back on the scene , let alone that he 's working with me , and as for anything else … ’
4 One might , for instance , use the maxim to infer that because Eeyore 's sigh is a non-linguistic action , it 's a better sign that he 's out of thistles than Rabbit 's words are that he has some honey .
5 ‘ Did you mention when you wrote that he is in with some Cockney riff-raff ? ’
6 He is leading a Kings Kids Christmas tour in Ayrshire but before that he is off to Albania to look at opportunities of taking a team there in Summer ‘ 93 .
7 Tony announces that he is off for a crumble , an expression that has taken his fancy and replaced the computerese of going for a ‘ system dump . ’
8 It can become difficult to get such a patient to accept that he is back to normal as he has no milepost to reach .
9 So:perhaps you are worried in case he comes home , now that he is back in these parts . ’
10 Now that he is back among us , will the right hon. Gentleman say whether there are really eight months to go ?
11 The amount of compensation reflects the fact that he is out of work and compensates him for his losses .
12 Is he further aware that he is out of date about the commercial interest in thin slab production at Ravenscraig , which has been communicated to the Secretary of State for Scotland but not , apparently , to the Department of Trade and Industry ?
13 HAPPY Prince Andrew has a ball on the golf course … unaware that he is about to be at the centre of a new royal taping scandal .
14 Technically , an assault is either the application of force to the person of another , or the threat to apply it in such a way as to cause the other to fear or apprehend that he is about to be subjected to force .
15 Anyway , so he 's out of hospital now is he the other
16 Once he is back with Berenice , and this latest ‘ Mrs Smith ’ has gone back to whichever hole she crawled out of , we 'll have all the time in the world for our own affairs . ’
17 ‘ He will have to have his splints changed as he grows so we will have to work out how we do that once he is back in China .
18 It is not an exaggeration to say that no woman will be safe once he is out of prison .
19 If crowned champion , Lewis has long-term plans to accommodate Mike Tyson — ‘ once he 's out of jail ’ — and to give Frank Bruno a title tilt in Britain 's fight of the century .
20 Ward almost lost the leg after developing severe complications and he is back in hospital this week for further treatment .
21 And he 's up to his neck in it . ’
22 But the furniture is made all over the place although 's our best maker and he 's up in Scotland .
23 And he goes and he 's up in the bed , on the bed in a flash !
24 and he 's up in the air , like this nanny
25 He says he 's feeling a lot better and he 's back on the road .
26 And a lot of people have rallied round Terry Biddlecombe , very popular man , Injured Jockeys ' Fund among others and he 's back in the back in the swim fully employed and in action for Mackeson today at er Cheltenham .
27 And he 's back in the lodge he 's on less money but but he 's much happier so .
28 Its Everton tomorrow … keeper Fraser Digby is fit again and he 's back in goal …
29 Then you get so drunk that he steals your cab and he 's off on the loose once more . ’
30 True , it is Crush drummer Ric Menck 's ( 30th ) birthday , and he 's out for a grinningly good time , whatever the weather .
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