Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb past] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He seems to have travelled in the Rhineland , and was in Paris in 1241 , when he commemorated the arrival of the relics of the crucifixion , and then in Angers , where he taught and disputed with local poets .
2 His father is first traced as opening a tailor 's shop at 34 Milk Street , Bristol , in 1803 , where he lived and continued his trade until 1831 .
3 His own sense of Scottishness was nurtured in Leeds where his soldier father was dispatched for wartime treatment for burns and where he met and married Ian 's mother .
4 Angry at being separated from Jeanne , Modigliani spent much of his time drinking in a windowless little bar where local artists met , where he drank and ran up debts .
5 Thom worked throughout World War II at the Royal Aircraft Establishment , Farnborough , where he commissioned and ran the high-speed tunnel , enabling the study of problems encountered at high subsonic aircraft speeds causing locally supersonic flow .
6 He then proceeded to another of his homes , Cornbury Park , where he relaxed and took in a little hunting .
7 He was able to get away for a two week holiday in Switzerland at the end of August , where he relaxed and swam in Lake Geneva : it was the one European country which he found not to have changed out of all recognition , and he took an annual holiday there .
8 The man now walked down the central aisle and halted beside the projector , where he turned and spoke .
9 Stepping forward , he advanced to the centre of the arena , where he stopped and saluted Angel One with a half bow .
10 Brandishing a handgun , he forced the 23-year-old boyfriend into the boot , where he bound and gagged him before dragging the terrified woman into his own vehicle .
11 In 1802 he joined his elder brother Daniel in founding a drapery business at 3 North Street , Brighton , where he drew and published ‘ A New and Correct Plan of Brighthelmstone ’ .
12 Blindly , Alan ran to his room , where he beat and punched his bed and cried aloud in a rage like a child .
13 They went to an Indian restaurant , where he talked and talked , and she listened very carefully , matching what he said with her imaginings of it all .
14 Apparently they either found me dad down the cellar or he recovered and come up the cellar like , you know .
15 Mr. Mahmoud thought they were worth something like £60,000 , although he admitted that to realise that sum would require careful and skilled marketing .
16 Inspector Redpath belonged to the City of London Division of the ordinary police , although he knew and loved the river and a good many waterfront cases came his way .
17 I found the fact that he made that record much more affecting than , say , Highway 67 Revisited .
18 When I 've seen his father and confirmed that he made that call at eight-forty-five we may be able to narrow it down .
19 ‘ But … ’ she cut in , and could see that he thought that to cut in was his sole prerogative when his look became stern and hostile .
20 Later in Michael Ramsey 's life it disturbed his conventional critics when they found a guardian of Catholic orthodoxy saying that he hoped and expected to meet atheists in heaven .
21 So shocked was he , and flying so fast , that he gulped and swallowed her whole .
22 Gen. Try Sutrisno , the C.-in-C. of the Indonesian Armed Forces , said on Dec. 27 that he respected and supported the KPN 's preliminary findings .
23 Whitlock kicked out at the man , catching him on the leg so that he overbalanced and fell against the wall .
24 She twined her arms so tightly round his neck that he almost choked , pulling him down so that he overbalanced and fell on top of her .
25 The well-known will of ‘ Dasumius ’ , for instance , contains such a clause despite the fact that he lived and died after the passing of Nero 's SC , around AD 108 .
26 During the course of that regression he told me his name , his trade ( he was a cloth merchant ) and the fact that he lived and worked in the Bristol area .
27 Flavia saw that he ate and drank very little .
28 Some chroniclers say that Elliot then died ; others that he escaped and continued to be a thorn in the flesh of the authorities .
29 It was to be alleged that the respondent had pushed the father of the two brothers so violently that he fell and cut his head and that he dragged or threw their sister in such a way as to cause bruising to her arm and neck .
30 I mean out of the three that he saw and prefer , I must admit he did prefer forty four .
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