Example sentences of "[conj] he [adv] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 For the second lot , he may have another code which I do n't have or he just knows them by heart .
2 In 1540 , however , although he strongly opposed them in the House of Lords , the Six Articles of Religion were passed by parliament , including those on transubstantiation and celibacy of the clergy .
3 that he just received them like , about half an hour before Mike rang up , so he said I 've got to get me secretary to type them out and then we , I 'll send them to you and we 've got to sign 'em , then what happens from there ?
4 But was Picasso fond of the different women he was with or was it that he just liked them physically , and he was able to use them in his work ?
5 It is useful for would-be choreographers to examine his ballets and discover that he mostly set them in countries possessing easily recognised characteristics .
6 As a young man he had been pursued by many women ; that he secretly despised them did not lessen his attractiveness but in later years his large family and increasing years had hung about him with a weight as great as any deformity : but he would never risk exposing himself as Rose had .
7 There is an unconditional appropriation when the goods are identified and the third person acknowledges that he now holds them for the buyer , Wardars ( Import & exports ) v. W. Norwood ( 1968 C.A. ) .
8 And it is probable that he then left them again , taking his believing wife with him , and lived by the gospel .
9 It was alleged ( a ) that the plaintiff was possessed of the goods ; ( b ) that he accidentally lost them ; ( c ) that the defendant found them ; ( d ) that the defendant converted them to his own use .
10 Working with a graduate student , Andrew Himes , Dr Simpson decided he had overestimated the number of fat neutrinos , but that he still saw them , both when repeating his work on tritium and when looking at the beta decays of sulphur .
11 To the extent that the schoolboy is less than certain of the answers that occur to him , can we allow that he still believes them ?
12 This meant that he never fought them on his own terms , always theirs , and it blinded him to the realisation that when all else failed , when all the appeals for ‘ fair play ’ fell on stony ground , that he could have utilised his mass following of workers to shake the ground beneath the Empire .
13 He had heard so many stories of musket balls lodging in Bibles , not of course that he really believed them , but all the same What he wanted to do now was to find some immoral passages with which to confront the Padre , thereby proving to him that this book could not possibly be the word of God ( unadulterated , anyway ) .
14 Although the Bible 's claim for itself is that God did directly speak through men , and that he so controlled them that they said what he wanted them to say , it is clear also that the men concerned used their own minds in the process .
15 Eventually , after two or three weeks , he has moved so close to the females that he virtually touches them .
16 Once he even knocked them both down the stairs and sent them to bed with no dinner because they had returned with nothing .
17 These he occasionally set to music himself , and he frequently sang them in his rich bass voice for his friends ' ( and perhaps the public 's ) pleasure …
18 There were tears on her cheeks and he carefully eased them away with gentle fingers .
19 and he just halved them
20 and he just got them in , real , there 's a
21 And he never touched them again .
22 As soon as he had apprehended any kidnappers , the state prosecutor moved in on the hostages and he never saw them again .
23 ‘ She used to write him letters , you see , and he never opened them .
24 If Graeme Souness is going a bit thin on top , it is probably the result of watching Rosenthal on one of those days and he certainly has them when he seems incapable of getting anything right .
25 He was not quick to anger and confrontation ; shocks caught up with him slowly and he usually faced them in solitary depression rather than by throwing a scene .
26 To these questions he had no answer , and he resolutely put them aside .
27 And he calmly tells them that
28 The bills came on the morning of the burial , and he suddenly drew them from his pocket during the service , opening them without knowing what he was doing .
29 Lewis read the great realists of the past , even of the present , and he sometimes admired them ; but he saw their world as little better than a health-farm , held himself bound by no especial duty to study his own times , and longed for richer fare .
30 We give the child two pencils of equal length side-by-side , and he correctly judges them to be the ‘ same size ’ .
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