Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He sticks to his post at the university — where he gets attacked as a liberal by the hard-line whites , and denounced by the violent blacks as he steers his genuinely multi-racial ship on its course .
2 For the final two years of his schooling he switched to Kingston College of Further Education , where he became fascinated by British political history ( ‘ I was living in the nineteenth century , ’ he says ) .
3 It also led to his enjoying a considerable reputation on the Continent , where he became acquainted with leading intellectuals such as Marin Mersenne , Pierre Gassendi , and Rene Descartes .
4 Sukarno was sent to Surabaya , where he experienced loneliness and sought shelter in the Theosophical Society library where he became acquainted with the great Europeans from Rousseau to Marx .
5 He was reminded of the statements of the stableman who had joined him for a drink at the Bull , situated at the end of Cross Street , and of the café owner where he had stopped for a fried breakfast .
6 2 June Beijing University postgraduate student Chai Qing Feng dies as a result of wounds received during a ‘ brawl ’ at a snack bar near to campus where he had gone with some friends to buy drinks .
7 In the early hours a Supreme Soviet deputy , Viktor Aivanzian , was shot dead at the headquarters of the Armenian National Army ( ANA — the largest militia group , claiming 160,000 members ) , where he had gone with a contingent from the Armenian Pan-National Movement ( to which the ANA was refusing to subordinate itself ) to discuss a shooting incident of the night before .
8 He had seen them at the County Show , where he had gone for the rabbits , all those girls with plaits and scrubbed faces and clean gloves , doing an exhibition ride .
9 Wood died 19 December 1865 at 49 Sussex Gardens , Hyde Park , London , where he had gone for medical advice , and was buried in the churchyard at Hetton .
10 A little later from his bedroom , where he had retired for a rest , he watched through his daughters ' brass telescope as the grey shadow of what had once been the sleek and lively Hari moved slowly over to the sepoy lines with , as usual , the Prime Minister dodging along behind am .
11 The Tories , on the other hand , put oaken boughs in their hats , claiming they did this not merely to commemorate Charles II 's famous escape at Worcester in 1651 ( where he had hidden in an oak tree to avoid the Parliamentary forces ) , but also to show " that with hearts of oak at the bottom , they will stand fast to the old English constitution both in church and state , in opposition to the miscellaneous tribe of atheists , deists , republicans … who triumph in their stolen wool " .
12 He escaped in his pyjamas , and the plaster of Paris on his leg was sopping wet where he had fallen in a ditch , but he was in good spirits .
13 Stanford died 3 November 1904 at ‘ Helens ’ , Sidmouth , Devon , where he had moved with his wife in 1890 .
14 The Padovani family had long been known to John Coffin since they had once run a restaurant near where he had lodged as a young detective .
15 Was this where he had trained as a young man ?
16 Devastated , within a few months Kirchner committed suicide at his Davos home where he had lived since World War I. The museum has been designed by the young team of Zurich architects Annette Gigon and Mike Guyer who won the brief in 1989 .
17 The Lancastrian , Henry Tudor , when he heard of what had happened , gathered a force in France and landed in Wales — where he had lived for part of his life — and he opposed Richard III , who was killed in battle in 1485 .
18 After months of negotiations between the Russian , Chilean and German authorities the former East German leader , Erich Honecker , was flown on July 29 from Moscow ( where he had lived in the Chilean embassy since December 1991 — see pp. 38687-88 ; 38782 ) to Berlin where he was imprisoned .
19 Grandfathers and coal-hewing cousins , brothers and the front row of Neath , Homeric schoolteachers and sopranos whose voices had a bell in every tooth made their entrance on to the Oxford stage , mixed in with chorus girls from Cardiff , waterfront villains from Liverpool and the twenty-two-carat glitz of the West End , where he had opened in The Druid 's Rest in January 1944 with fires in the sky at night , bombs falling from the Luftwaffe and pubs and clubs burning excitement under the blackout .
20 Anpetuwi , where he had come with his hurt and confusion , and Anpetuwi , which had not disappointed him , taking him and holding him in its gentle heart as a mother held a child .
21 He wanted to be two hundred miles away , where he had come from — even in that bleak house in that wasted corner of the sleet-driven estate .
22 Davide , after returning from America , had lost his bump of locality for his native place ; when the plan showed a turning one way , he missed it , or found he wanted to walk back where he had come from , or go in another direction altogether .
23 When you told me that Stapleton had owned a school in the north of England , I checked on him and where he had come from .
24 1983 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 95 , it was held to be a breach of natural justice , where a licensing board consulted with the director of environmental health at their deliberations , where he had put in a report objecting to the grant of a licence .
25 But I am not that man , Thomas thought , shivering in a heap on the flower bed where he had dropped onto all fours so as not to be seen .
26 He drove past the Café Unic , where his father and Jacques , and other members of their cadre had held their last meeting , and where he had dined with Isobel the night he asked her to marry him .
27 Hector had clung close to Theda , and was even now shut up in her tiny bedchamber , where he had taken to sleeping .
28 It had happened by accident , almost , just buying the furniture he liked as he saw it , odd pieces here and there , and then choosing the carpet and curtains in the expensive London store where he had happened to be making inquiries about another crime .
29 Even Tobias and Lydia were housed in better quarters , while he was still ‘ in the lads ’ room' , where he had slept since leaving the cradle .
30 Peter Fowers stole aluminium , copper and steel from Stockton Heath Forge , where he had worked for more than six years , the court at Warrington was told .
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