Example sentences of "[conj] you be not have " in BNC.

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1 Once the first stage had used up its fuel you leave it behind so you 're not having to push the empty casing .
2 what you see the idea is to get Kerry getting as much benefit from school as possible so you 're not having to pay me
3 You do hate them so you 're not having any .
4 And you 're not to have an affair with someone who 's not your wife or husband , ’ adds one girl belatedly .
5 And you 're not having this dress , ’ Nora said , bending down to look at the price tag .
6 I 've only got my T-shirt and you 're not having that .
7 No and you 're not having cash cards either .
8 If you are not having a first course , a couple of plain poppadums are an acceptable indulgence , but do n't get carried away — and do n't allow yourself to start dipping in the chutneys !
9 Just a case of taking the tape deck around and if you 're not having a conversation yo you can use the radio so I 'm not really worried .
10 So to bloody tell 150 women , ‘ Oh , I 'm sorry , but you 're not having your visits ’ — you 're asking for trouble .
11 Yeah , but you 're not having that much for breakfast are ya ?
12 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
13 Ooh it 's lovely when you 're not having to go to work !
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