Example sentences of "[conj] you come [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 When you come to think of it , ’ she said afterwards , ‘ if you think of it as training , it must be far more toughening than those softy hot baths .
2 ‘ But , well , when you come to think of it , it will seem a bit flat without us next term .
3 ‘ Odd , when you come to think of it ’ — he handed her a full wine glass of gin — ‘ but they say he 's like he is because his father and mother were religious .
4 They leave you to amble into the desert on your own , and when you come to think of it you ca n't really blame them .
5 Pat sat smoking in silence for a few minutes and no one else spoke but suddenly he said , ‘ How much of it was real , Julia , when you come to think of it , and how much for fear of what people would say ?
6 He meant lettuce and spinach and cabbage and stuff , but when you come to think of it , there 's watercress and all those titchy little herbs , rosemary and things .
7 ‘ She is n't one of yours neither , when you come to think of it .
8 ‘ I had n't thought of that , ’ said Scarlet , ‘ but I suppose it 's not impossible , when you come to think of it . ’
9 ‘ They wear similar clothes , and they are the same build and colouring when you come to think of it .
10 Oh it was a dreadful thing when you come to think of it now , the poor women could n't help it she was must have been in desperate straits to do a thing like that .
11 Though , when you come to think of it , most of the animals in this country are in a kind of captivity .
12 There 's a heck of a lot of burning off when you come to think of all the burning off of paint we 're going to have to do .
13 When you come to think of some of the houses though in in Wiggenshaw where Carolyn is now
14 When you come to think of it though it 's s to me it makes sense to start at the top where we have done and work your way down does n't it ?
15 Remembering suddenly the sealed bottles of stomach contents , the carefully dissected pieces of liver and intestines , looking when you came to think of it , no more frightening than exhibits in the science laboratory at school , she said quickly :
16 You could understand the connection made between hair and being manly but when you came to think of it , it was n't really true .
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