Example sentences of "[conj] that it [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The translator could have used the feminine form of the verb , but s/he possibly felt that it would also have been marked or that it might have unnecessarily excluded potential male users .
2 Analysis of contractor 's cash flow projections and their discounting back to current prices may reveal that what appears to be the cheapest tender is not in fact so , or that it would exceed the client 's budget at certain times .
3 Prior to 1910 it was by no means clear either that Labour would replace the Liberals or that it would move So far ahead of these rivals as to reduce them to marginal sects .
4 But I do n't think we had it or that it would have made any difference if we had . ’
5 One would have expected that Alfred , as the eldest , would have taken over the family firm or that it would have been left to the four of you jointly . ’
6 What is denied by the defendant and what is the issue of trial is that they deny that they were ever instructed by Mr er to save such a measure or that it would have been appropriate to serve them or that at any stage Mr ever asked to be advised on any way open to him to get out of the contract er as alleged .
7 Moreover , it needs to be recognized that a rational , ‘ value-free ’ analysis can not exist in a pluralistic society or that it would please no one if attempted ( Clapham , 1984 ) , unless an action could be shown to benefit all stakeholders .
8 It occurred to no one that the empire might survive as a single political unit , or that it ought to do so .
9 The alternatives are that it should promote competition , per se , or that it should operate with fairly broadly defined public interest criteria .
10 No one suggests , certainly not I , that the nation state has properties which are eternal or that it should attribute to itself values which are timeless .
11 Afterwards , he could always claim that it was sent to an old or wrong address by mistake , or that it must have got lost in the post .
12 Most studies consider only social behaviour in the herd , or readily observed facts , such as that the horse is easily frightened , or that it will work better if it is rewarded rather than punished .
13 Homoeopathy is not the only practice that uses the concepts presented here and no one of repute , of whom I am aware , would claim that Homoeopathy has all the answers or that it will suit everyone .
14 If you feel that you will be unable to take out a loan in this way or that it will cause you financial hardship , you can apply to the Social Services Department for help .
15 The discipline of information science , which attempts to study all the ways in which human beings communicate information with each other and the many facilities which make it easier to perform , is in its earliest formative years , and it will be a long time before we can be sure either that the science of information is a true discipline or that it can deliver its present optimistic promises .
16 One was that people were not really making much progress toward showing that supergravity was finite or that it could explain the kinds of particles that we observe .
17 The task therefore was to recover greater autonomy at the centre and limit the state 's obligations to those that were essential and/or that it could carry out .
18 The question was designed to establish the level of public concern over this development , so there were no positive suggestions , but the low concern rate for most of the problems posed suggested that the majority of people were not worried about this prospect , nor that it would trouble them personally , socially or financially to any great extent .
19 Show me any homebuilder who ca n't say the same thing about his project , but the finish-it-in-thirty-days-using-only-domestic-handtools ! brochures never tell you that , nor that it may take you weeks just to create the right kind of workplace in which to build your masterpiece .
20 ‘ Secondly , we do not consider that in circumstances such as those alleged in the present case section 2(1) ( b ) has any application ; nor that it can provide the basis for any defence .
21 But uncontrollable impulse , caused by mental defect , is not at present accepted as exempting from criminal liability , except that it may serve to reduce murder to manslaughter ( see pp. 167–8 ) .
22 A walk is like a path , except that it may cross itself : ( a b c b … a d e )
23 Neither of these situations is in itself damaging , except that it may produce a denial of the actual preferred functioning of the child .
24 It follows from the First Premise introduced at the beginning of this chapter , that it must be an article of belief in the Created God that this first pre-life period in the story of the universe made no contribution to the creation of the God which was to be born , as was mankind , out of the life to come , except that it may have been the source of the basic origin of life .
25 The origin of that primitive ‘ desire ’ is in all probability the same as the unknown origin of life , which in this book is relegated to that first pre-life period which made no contribution to the Created God except that it may have been the source of the basic origin of life .
26 ‘ I 'd share your gin , ’ the Bishop 's wife said , ‘ except that it would make me further inclined to cry . ’
27 Except that it would embarrass him if it were known that he was involved with someone like her , whereas she was ashamed of herself .
28 Thus in ( 140 ) below the lighting of a fire is presented as a condition which would have permitted Pops to be found sooner , but the fire could not be conceived as acting on Pops directly itself and " making him be found " : ( 140 ) A fire would n't have mattered except that it would cause Pops to be found sooner .
29 Dexter wondered what the superintendent 's idea was , except that it must relate in some way to Jim Lancaster .
30 He had no clear view of the future , except that it must excel the present , as the present did the past .
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