Example sentences of "[conj] that it [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The need for industrial application shows the practical nature of patent law , which requires that the invention should be something which can be produced or that it relates to some sort of industrial process .
2 Rawls shows neither that this assumption follows from the Kantian insight nor that it leads to neutral political concern .
3 There is a striking analogy here with crystal growth , except that it happens in two dimensions , not three .
4 Clause 4 has the same wording , except that it applies to the chief inspector for Wales .
5 Good news , except that it costs at least 10p more than other stoneground wholemeal loaves .
6 A further group of works and not even the relevant authorities know how many , except that it runs into hundreds of thousands are ‘ notified ’ ; that is , they may not even be lent , restored or sold within Italy , let alone exported , without the permission of the authorities .
7 It was once considered obvious that the earth was flat and that the sun went around the earth , yet since the time of Copernicus and Galileo , we have had to adjust to the idea that the earth is round and that it goes around the sun .
8 Many feel that The Photographers ' Gallery has a somewhat lopsided view of contemporary photography and photographers and that it preaches to the already converted and them alone .
9 What is being said is that God 's love makes its home in human beings and that it seeks to be replicated and brought to completion within them .
10 Be conscious of the fact that this is a tranquil and a peaceful place and that it belongs to you .
11 These data suggest that the state 's contribution of resources to elderly households through the provision of support services is , for most services , not substantial and that it varies with the type of household .
12 For example , Denise Jodelet is expressing universal themes when she writes that ‘ the concept of social representations denotes … the knowledge of common-sense ’ , and that it refers to ‘ practical thought .
13 My right hon. and learned Friend will understand that the west midlands conurbation , lying as it does in a landlocked area , is responsible for the bulk of the country 's manufacturing industry , and that it depends on adequate and improving road conditions .
14 Suppose also that , because it has a latent defect , the catapult is not of merchantable quality and that it breaks in use and injures the boy 's eye as a result .
15 Most importantly , Rita , just as she makes her own diagnosis , knows — unlike the professionals — exactly what the ‘ shock ’ is and that it comes from somewhere :
16 The theory of the new international division of labour has been criticized for its uncompromising condemnation of TNC operations in the Third World , on the grounds that there is not very much that is new about it and that it relies on an empirical base that is far too limited ( see , for example , Cohen , 1987 , ch.7 ; Jenkins , 1984 ; Gordon , 1988 ) .
17 Having recognized that form is a reflection of the underlying energy pattern and that it interacts with it , it is possible for the best sites to be found .
18 The theory , as eventually set forth ( 1868 ) , was constituted by two theses : that the generative material comes from all over the parent body or bodies , and that it consists of minute ‘ gemmules ’ budded off from every part .
19 A more recent commentator on Marx 's concept of ideology , Jorge Larrain , accepts that the concept is vague and that it has to be worked out from what little Marx wrote ( Larrain 1979 : 36 ) .
20 And that it has to be paid before probate is granted .
21 The victim may have an action for malicious falsehood , however , if it can be proved that the untrue statement was made spitefully , dishonestly or recklessly , and that it has in fact caused financial loss .
22 The predictions are supported by evidence that male dwarfism is an evolutionary strategy in solitary , sedentary animals , that it evolves in low population densities ( high search costs ) , and that it correlates with a female-biased adult sex ratio ( reduced male competition ) .
23 They believe that the interpretation is from a later period of the Church and that it arises from using the parable for teaching purposes .
24 It remains true , of course , that the formal system of a foreign language is very obviously different from that of the learner 's first language , that it therefore forms the basis of any full communication , and that it needs to be acquired in some way .
25 We acknowledged , of course , that drama also has its own academic integrity and that it exists as a separate GCSE subject in many secondary schools and colleges , outside the National Curriculum .
26 The key stages of preparation are to become familiar with all the facts as recorded in key documents , for example correspondence , meeting records , site measurements , wage sheets and plant invoices try to agree the facts with the engineer and/or contractor check the claim is in order with respect to time and/or documentation and that it complies with the contract
27 The custom of marriage has gained strength , in the sense that more people are entering into it and that it seems to be considered a necessary prelude to having children .
28 We believe that these findings suggest that osmolality is the key determinant of water absorption in both normal and secreting intestine and that it seems to be of particular importance in the secretory state .
29 We 've always in the West used the term Russian nationalist as one of abuse , er and that it seems to me as , because it 's always in the past been associated with empire , Russian nationalists in practice have oppressed other people , but after all why should the Russians not be patriotic just as the British as er a citizen or a Frenchman can be patriotic , er provided that that does n't go with oppressing other people .
30 It seems clear then that the Formalist position on all these issues ( authors , reality and ideas ) is not just an arbitrary preference , but that it stems from the concepts of defamiliarisation and literariness , whose differential basis will always serve to define literature in opposition to the things that it was traditionally viewed as expressing .
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