Example sentences of "[conj] that [noun pl] should [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet of course each of the schools in which the assistants work has pupils of many different ethnic origins , and in practice no single head has expressed any other intention than that assistants should work with families from all parts of the local community .
2 President-elect Chamorro added her call for a ceasefire , stating in a broadcast on Feb. 28 that the causes of the war had disappeared , that there was thus no more reason to fight , and that Nicaraguans should return home .
3 Indeed , when the Samuel Commission reported in March 1926 , it was only able to offer the then unacceptable recommendations that the ‘ amalgamation of small units of production is both desirable and practicable ’ and that miners should accept further wage reductions as a temporary measure until such reorganization occurred .
4 Roth also explains that he was ‘ educated to believe that the independent reality of the fiction is all there is of importance and that writers should remain in the shadows ’ .
5 Undaunted by this tremendous loss , Chris Horsley , co-owner of the Spitfire with Nick , decided that the restoration should go ahead as planned and that MAPS should carry out the work .
6 Indeed , the College told the Court of the University of London in June 1991 that it would not be adding significantly to its accumulated deficit of £1.2 million in 1991–92 , that student numbers were increasing ‘ comfortably ’ and that surpluses should follow in 1993–94 and 1994–95 and that the main building needed only £5 million until the year 2000 to keep it in good repair .
7 It proposes , among other things , that auditors should report on ‘ the proper conduct of the company 's affairs ’ and on ‘ future risks attaching to the company ’ and be responsible to ‘ a wider interest group ’ than the shareholders , and that shareholders should play a more active part in auditors ' appointment and remuneration .
8 These included the resolutions that Parliaments not only " ought to sit frequently " , but that " their frequent sitting be secured " , that there should be " no interrupting of any sessions of Parliament till the affairs that are necessary to be dispatched at that time are determined " , that the militia acts were " grievous to the subject " , and that judges should hold their commissions " during good behaviour " .
9 He adds that the MacSharry approach would penalise efficiency and preserve allotment-sized farms , and that farmers should receive grants for doing desirable things , not just for having small plots .
10 Herbert Spencer ( 1820–1903 ) protested that marriage was an unequal institution , and that women should have equal rights of competition with men , but in his later writing he reversed this opinion and declared that ‘ if women comprehended all that is contained in the domestic sphere , they would ask no other ’ .
11 The report also said the CAA should review its supervisory checks and consider the need for periodic training and testing of engineers and that controllers should take emergency and refresher courses .
12 The most he would concede was that positions should be filled by the advice of the lords and the council around the king , and that officers should take an oath in parliament to act justly .
13 and that voters should create pressure groups committed to this purpose and the acceptance of policies of arms control with the Soviet Union .
14 But in any case if , as was argued in Chapter 1 , companies should be viewed as social enterprises , that is , they should be understood as vehicles for the promotion of the general good , then a requirement that managers should comply with publicly articulated decision- making standards , and that mechanisms should exist visibly to test compliance with them , should be regarded as something that is desirable in itself .
15 Yet others rebel against this marginalization and demand both the right to perform the full range of police work ( from which follows the wish to carry guns ) and that men should become more involved in dealing with child and female offences .
16 To avoid the inevitable degree of subjectivity , Mr Smith suggests that cash is king and that readers should look to the health of a company 's cash flow .
17 Afterwards Mesic asserted that there would be no rush to secede from Yugoslavia and that negotiations should begin on the shape of a new , looser confederation .
18 Assuming that schools-industry liaison is a good thing and that schools should do more of it , the project team has set out to support the development of ‘ local solutions to local problems ’ , rather than prescribe a particular kind of development .
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