Example sentences of "[conj] i had [adv] seen " in BNC.

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1 Very fortunately , for goldfinches and linnets , I soon discovered , happened to be two of the reserve 's commonest species and it would have been akin to rushing out to tell my neighbours back home that I had just seen a sparrow in the yard .
2 The fact is that I had never seen it , or known what I was seeing , until that day : …
3 I felt that I had never seen anyone so old .
4 The fact that I had never seen my aunt looking so elegant added to my impression that I was imagining this .
5 He looked as strong as before and his hair was still black , but in his face I saw a bitter , desperate look , that I had never seen there before .
6 They were a very bright and energetic body of Indians ; indeed the most intelligent that I had ever seen .
7 It was the first time that I had ever seen the inside of a police cell .
8 It was the most powerful affirmation of strength and military prowess that I had ever seen , and I found it completely fascinating .
9 It was an unusually sultry afternoon , and Casualty on my return was emptier than I had yet seen it .
10 Frankie dressed himself , and he looked smarter than I had ever seen him in his check suit , waistcoat and matching cap .
11 Across the bridge the track followed the old corpse road back to Muker through meadows fuller with flowers than I had ever seen before .
12 The air of the moors , the freedom of home , and the beginning of independence made Diana and Mary happier than I had ever seen them .
13 Heathcliff looked more like a gentleman than I had ever seen him , but his wife had not bothered to brush her hair or change her dress .
14 I had banged my head badly and it was bleeding but my father was more angry than I had ever seen him .
15 Now he was starting to cry , and I had never seen him cry before .
16 The cows I could see grazed on and on , and I was trying to remember if I had ever seen an ox grazing instead of working .
17 I knew of the Knowlton Circles in Dorset but I had never seen them , although I had seen an air photograph .
18 To go out at midnight in heavy rain or frost , as I sometimes did , when I would be working next morning and when I had hardly seen my wife all day , almost broke me .
19 It was a reworking of the same materials apropos Hungary as I had already seen in Prague apropos Czechoslovakia .
20 If he 'd gone to the crematorium mortuary with Alan , there would have been a blank in my mind , as I had never seen it , and anyway it was thirty miles away .
21 I was really deeply moved as I had only seen such a thing before in religious pictures .
22 Unmistakable , even though I had never seen one before ; a big bird , brown and grey with a red throat , low in the water , where the wind-rippled surface managed to camouflage it in the most extraordinary way .
23 Spellbound , I drove upwards into the bright splendour , staring through the windscreen as though I had never seen it all before ; the bronze of the dead bracken spilling down the grassy Banks of the hills , the dark smudges of trees , the grey farmhouses and the endless pattern of wails creeping to the heather above .
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