Example sentences of "[conj] i think [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For six years you have dogged me wherever I went and now you have turned up here , where I thought I had found a safe haven . ’
2 where I think we 've er lost track of about eight or nine people .
3 Where I think we have tried to do something interesting is in this idea of giving the student a , a whole year 's experience in the school to help them become professionalised , rather than the normal practice , the traditional practice of school practice , which meant going twelve , sixteen weeks into perhaps two bytes , into a school , and this does mean the student can get integrated with the school community and take part in the extramural life of the school , get involved in games and school plays and school outings in a way that 's not possible if they 're in and out on that short basis .
4 The next thing is er on the agenda we 've got the or I thought we had .
5 If I may erm we , we , we , we did attend er er er a briefing and myself and James , unfortunately Margaret was unable to be present on that day , although I think she 's had a separate briefing or there is a separate briefing being proposed .
6 I 'm a little bit surprised Stone has n't tried to get a bit closer to him although I think he 's been given the job of tracking Agnew who 's more of an attacking midfield player .
7 Back in Britain writing my last newsletter to the Group in Scotland I had loved and brought together , I said that I thought we had to be much bolder , taking an a priori stance on the fact that there could be no discrimination against women .
8 She looked so much better than the fat , spreading South London mothers around us , that I thought we had to be middle class .
9 I say that I thought we had already been through all this .
10 ‘ There was everything between you … everything that I thought we had … in Seville … and here .
11 ‘ I confess that I thought you 'd taken the boat .
12 One of Crossman 's cardinal convictions was that Britain was run not as a democracy but as an oligarchy — and that view of his was perhaps partially reflected in my own youthful outburst against the essentially incestuous relationship between politicians and journalists that I thought I had discovered even within the people 's party .
13 My problem , if you can call it that , at the time was that I thought I had all the natural talent in the world and did n't need to train .
14 When she first came she ate so much so often that I thought she had worms , but she settled down to a very moderate appetite , so the worming tablet the vet .
15 I think that I think we 've agreed that that is to be taken on board by the
16 Erm apart from that I think we 've done everything this week .
17 I think , I 'm not going to encourage debate on that I think we 've heard what Kenneth said particularly about the trusts the working done by the trust and would suggest that we ask Granville to take that on board as well and be within the presentations too .
18 One thing that I think we have to be very careful about , if we did legalize cannabis there would be a proportion of adolescents who would get a great kick out of it , but there would those who do n't get the kick because it 's not illegal .
19 The only issue that I think we have some er difficulty with in the policy as it stands at the moment , is the uncertainty that arises between the figure provided in policy I five of forty six hectares for the city , and actually our agreed calculation which I think the County Council accept , that site availability in the city is limited to something in the order of thirty three hectares if we exclude er one site which is subject to a dispute between parties er in relation to the greenbelt .
20 And on that I think we have highways service promises , not highways appointment
21 ‘ This office has been so discredited that I think it has to be disbanded , ’ the party 's new reformist leader , Dr Gregor Gysi , said at the weekend .
22 One other contact that I think you have with us is that you sing in the Meeting House Choir .
23 One other contact that I think you have with us is that you sing in the Meeting House choir .
24 Erm I do n't think I have been down to that I think I 've sh erm wired the whole damn out of my mind because er it 's a long time since I heard such garbage in this chamber , it 's fortunate for us Chairman that Mr is n't a member of the Environment Committee because if that 's the kind of contribution that he 's prepared to make on these occasions we would could well do without it .
25 The thought of describing it out loud to over a hundred people made it feel less convincing than I thought it had been .
26 And that 's moved them no less than three places up the second division table , they 're higher than I think they 've been for many a long day .
27 ‘ The first night was better fun than I think I 'd ever had .
28 I was in more pain than I think I have ever experienced .
29 ‘ Not unless you have even more an effect on me than I think you have .
30 I was passing when I saw the gates not shut properly , so I thought I 'd best come in and see if everything was all right at the house … ’
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