Example sentences of "[conj] i could [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't suppose you 've any idea where I could find her ? ’
2 Can you let me have a phone number where I could get you this evening ? "
3 Leon always opened his door after that and , standing in the same spot where I could see him , he would play .
4 ‘ I ca n't do it ! ’ she had to tell her , and , when her sister 's look suddenly became hostile , ‘ I 'm sure if you wrote to Mr Gajdusek , or phoned him — or I could do it for you , ’ she volunteered hastily , not wanting to be bad friends with her , now of all times .
5 Or I could carry you . ’
6 Well exactly , yes , she can give you a ring erm or I could give you a ring for that matter erm .
7 I could put it into Event , or I could give it to you for Time Out …
8 Or I could make it into a puppet .
9 As neither Marcella or I could sing we spoke along to the music in what we felt , somehow , was Good Old Cabaret Style …
10 ROS : Or I could lick yours , of course .
11 ‘ It 's a damn good job you do n't , laddie , or I could see you being hauled up before the old man . ’
12 I could help these lunatics or I could fight them on behalf of Stok ; neither of those ideas appealed to me .
13 ‘ Neither Connie nor I could touch it .
14 No need to pretend otherwise , although I could tell you some stories …
15 Mazzin did n't lose his temper , although I could feel he was itching to have a go at me , but , as before , he knew he had no justification for doing so .
16 Her clothes were different — foreign , and smart — but her hair was red , and although I could see she was n't beautiful I thought she was .
17 If I were to ask a school-teacher to choose for me a sample which she considered to be a fair cross-section of her pupils so that I could interview them for a survey , there would almost certainly be a personal bias in the sample given to me .
18 Everyone needs to earn a living , and when I went to New York , I was glad that I could earn mine by my playing .
19 Then she flew on to a high window-sill and I had to ask the headmaster to bring me a ladder so that I could bring her down .
20 We called for some fish and chips to take back for all of us , but I was n't sure that I could eat them after seeing that documentary where they all had ulcers .
21 But I believed that I could avoid them , with some help from the Vadinamian processes themselves .
22 I have no idea what I shall be doing even this time next year ; I have n't any achievements or even firm plans that I could offer you .
23 ‘ Crilly , ’ I say as we lie together , ‘ when the nurse gave me the anaesthetic , she jabbed me so deep that I could feel it throbbing in my veins like an explosion , and it hurt like anything .
24 We gave my home address over the air so that volunteers could send me a stamped , self-addressed envelope so that I could forward them a diet sheet .
25 So I had to try to prove to them that I could manage him .
26 He told me that he would donate £5,000 to the fund if I would undertake to invite his little son , then at school in Oxford , to tea on odd occasions , so that I could acquaint him with some of the matters relating to Judaism .
27 It knew that I could sense it , just as it can sense me . ’
28 I even took some photographs of myself crying so that I could show them to Marcus later and he could see how upset I had been .
29 I do n't have anything else that I could show you at the moment I 'm afraid .
30 I don ‘ t think that I could do it with anyone whose bones stuck out .
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